Are there any plecs that stay small?


Fish Crazy
Mar 31, 2005
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HI, I've only got a 63 liter tank (13 gallon) and i currently have 6 neons, 2 platies, 3 guppies and around 15 platy fry in a breeder net.

I was thinking of getting some form of algae eater or basically something different to my other fish.

I know a plec would outgrow my tank way too quick so are there any other types that i could get that won't outgrow my tank and will be fine with my other fish!? -_-
otocinclus will do fine in your tank and attack the algae.

be sure to buya group though, if kept in 1's and 2's they won't do to much!!
The only algae eaters that should go in a tank that size are Ottos or Algae Eating Shrimps (Japonica/Amano shrimps)

with that stock already in the tank - I agree

But we use a 13 gal (thats UK) as our breeding tank for our bristlenose (with loads of filtration)

Common Bristlenoses normally get to 4-5" so with a slight stock change one could make a great addition to the tank :)

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