are stand alone aquarium pumps different?


Moved On
Feb 5, 2004
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Kudelstaart (Amsterdam) (The Netherlands)
I am building a tank and need an inline pump the will do around 4500LH. i have found some central heating pumps that will do this; and they are 10th of the price from aquarium pumps.
Is there a differance or is it just that the word Aquarium brings the price upto €1500 for a pump that does the same?
I would imagine the aquarium style pump has better seals and is guaranteed to not leak any lubricants or harmful polutants in to the water, I used to work in waterworks and this is the only thing I could come up with......maybe look into a jacuzzi pump.....they seem to be popular for ponds.

chris :thumbs:
try looking at ITT marlow pumps although these use lots of electricity. also, eheim make a 1264 which does about 3500-4000 lph and sells for around £105.00. you could use a couple of those. both of these will run extetrnally.

ste :)

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