Are Shrimp Hard To Keep?


Fish Gatherer
Oct 10, 2011
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I've been given a Fluval Spec tank.
It's so small, I don't really know what to do with it, so I thought shrimp might be a possibility.
Do they need a heater & filter as the filter the Spec comes with seems to have a very strong flow.
I know nothing about them, so need some help if I decide to go with some
I've been given a Fluval Spec tank.
It's so small, I don't really know what to do with it, so I thought shrimp might be a possibility.
Do they need a heater & filter as the filter the Spec comes with seems to have a very strong flow.
I know nothing about them, so need some help if I decide to go with some

Basic Cherry shrimp are easy to keep and quite forgiving, but they probably will need a heater and a small filter doesn't hurt. The only problem with Cherry shrimp is their breeding, they are the guppies of the shrimp world and can incredbily quickly produce more numbers than the tank can really sustain. A really small tank is generally not good for Crystal Reds they (especially the higher grades) can be very fussy with regards to water chemistery and temp. Rifle shrimp are a larger shrimp and I am pretty sure they can't breed (well produce surviving young) in a pure fresh set up.
What shrimp if any would be suitable?
I have a spare heater, so that's not a problem, & I'm sure I could find a way to make the filter flow less strong
i previously have kept a 'ghost shrimp' it was very easy to care for-lived in community tank- very enjoyable to watch. it used to hover in the water and very good at eating waste materials.
Cherry shrimp are bullet-proof if you have a cycled tank :good:. They don't even need a heater.
Thank you, I 'll give them a go.
I'll have to cycle the filter first so plenty of time to read up

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