Are Rena Airpumps Any Good


Fish Herder
Jan 7, 2006
Reaction score
North Yorkshire, UK
i have just bought a rena airpump i was wondering what peoples opininons of there performance are. I could return it unused if i find a lot of people have problems with it.
thanks in advance
there good I have had a couple and the latest has a ball bearing in the base to help reduce vibration and I have it sitting on a folded towel the only sound I here is the bubbles popping
the qietest i've ever had
my older has been running for a yera, before that i used the marina air pumps which are louder than my car
the best thing about them, is you can buy parts for them! If they start to produce less air or become noisey you can buy diaphrams and replace them unlike most air pumps :)
I own 4 of them if that tells you anything. They are almost totally silent.

I've just got a rena air 400 airpump and i'ts really noisy have i got a dud or are the larger ones all like this. Its so bad i can hear it from the other end of the room over the noise the fan on this crappy laptop is making.

Anyone with experience of this model ?

Emma :/
What is it sitting on?, if it's straight on to wood or something they are really noisey. I've sat mine on a folded up tee towel, much better now. :D

I've just got a rena air 400 airpump and i'ts really noisy have i got a dud or are the larger ones all like this. Its so bad i can hear it from the other end of the room over the noise the fan on this crappy laptop is making.

Anyone with experience of this model ?

Emma :/

The Rena 400 has two air outlets. If only one is being used, the unused one will make a racket. These pumps get quieter under load, i.e., use a Tee fitting and connect both outlets to it so they feed into one supply line to your gange valve, and then to the air device in question.

If you are using both and it is still making a racket...well, that's wrong. Return it for a new one.

v/r, N-A

I've just got a rena air 400 airpump and i'ts really noisy have i got a dud or are the larger ones all like this. Its so bad i can hear it from the other end of the room over the noise the fan on this crappy laptop is making.

Anyone with experience of this model ?

Emma :/

The Rena 400 has two air outlets. If only one is being used, the unused one will make a racket. These pumps get quieter under load, i.e., use a Tee fitting and connect both outlets to it so they feed into one supply line to your gange valve, and then to the air device in question.

If you are using both and it is still making a racket...well, that's wrong. Return it for a new one.

v/r, N-A
I,ve been fishkeeping for over 30 years and currently have 8 tanks running.I think Rena are the best ever airpumps in terms of reliability and noise. I once had a large Kiho that was great for output but the vibration was more than the washing machine on spin!
Yup, i have a rena pump on my tank. They are the quietest i have ever used, and i have used 4 types :) nice choice :)

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