Are Red Phantom Tetra Ok With Shrimp?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 29, 2009
Reaction score
Stockport, UK
As the title, just want to check that red phantom tetra (Hyphessobrycon sweglesi) are OK to keep with shrimp. Thought it best to find if the current inhabitants of my 40L are OK before doing more research into the different types of shrimp.
All shrimp are vulnerable after shedding and when young to pretty much all fish. Once adult their battle armour shells act as their only defence for all atyid species but this molts as they grow so they need caves and a well planted tank so that they are not eaten whilst defenceless.
Thanks saltynay that's as I expected, just wanted to check that the tetras weren't known to be particularly difficult to keep with shrimp. :)
Tetra's are only known to ocassionally nip the antennae or legs off of shrimp whilst their shell is soft not to actively hunt shrimp.

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