Are Platys any good for beginners?


It's only forever; not long at all...
Dec 23, 2004
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I have a five gallon tank, and will hopefully get a heater soon. Are platies hardy fish for a beginner like me who has somehow managed to kill 2 guppies allready? My friend has some baby ones she needs to get rid of that she said I could ahve.
Yes they're good. I've got 3 and haven't managed to bump them off yet!
They are livebearers too.
Nah. Heat your water though. Guppies and platys need between 24 and 28 degrees centigrade. As long as you do 1 x 20% water change weekly things should settle nicely.
I had cloud minnows in my pond for a while, they're nice!
Mmmm suppose they are really. Get the heater yeah!!!!
Platies are great :) You could also try mosquito fish - they're ok in coldwater and are also livebearers. White clouds can get quite brightly colored if given live foods and good water conditions.
Platies are great for beginners. Colorful, hardy, easy to breed, active and they "beg for food" giving them a little personality!
Yes, i have 8 red platys and i am a beginner.
They are very lively and like the other post said they 'beg for food'. I feed them a small amount once a day, they keep making me feel guilty but they are not having anymore than that. I brought them freeze dried brine shrimp for a treat once a week, they love it! :D (feeding frenzy) and its very good for them and improves their colour.
Have you considered a betta a.k.a. Siamese Fighting Fish? You could easily fit one in a five gallon tank and they're pretty accepting of mistakes. You won't need a heater so long as the area you put them in doesn't get too cold over winter.

When they're in a tank, and not a cup of water, they do swim around quite a bit, and watching them guard bubble nests is too cute :p

A bottom of the scale, mutt veiltail will only cost you a couple of dollars although there are some AWESOME fish available for only a little extra. The males are flashier, but there are some pretty females around, too and frequently they're sold at rock-bottom prices.
killing guppies isnt much of a feat these days. Someone posted in teh livebearer section about the declining state of guppy hardiness.

Hey i happen to LIKe mutt veiltails. Some of them have awesome coloring. I have a metallic blue and white one.
Hey, it's the "Mutts" of the world that are usually the hardiest. Because of their mixed lineages they have a more varied gene pool and are much less succeptible to genetic illnesses/mutations/deformities.

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