I dont think I want to get a pirranah any time soon but could anyone explain the legalities of this In the Southern States I can understand that these fish could cause a problem for native fish (lets be honest not everyone is completly law abiding when they dont want their pets anymore....sadly!) But why somewhere like Wa state??? I think most tropical fish would die of Hypothermia? with in a few days..... (sorry im in a pissy mood today....)
probably because in the warmer seasons they can live fine, and they don't want them somehow getting into major waterways and such.
i hadn't realized they were still legal in so many states!!!!!!
I live in South Western Ontario and while Pirhannas are legal, they have found some that have survived after being released into Lake St. Clair. I don't know how long they would survive, but these ones were caught near the begining of the summer. (Three were found if memory serves me)
Although they couldn't live year round in the colder States they could still very easily live 3-4 months if they were droppped into the waterways in the Spring. That's enough time to do pretty extensive damage to a fishery. Once Winter, or even possibly Fall, came they would all die though.
I didnt know they were not aloud elsewhere. Here in Alaska they are....my father in law has some. The wanter is too cold for almost any fish not native to the land to survive. Even if you let them go.....the shock would get them. Its neato to know that Paps isnt beaking a law I didnt know existed