Are Pink Bettas Rare?


Let's Be Friends
Oct 2, 2011
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Hey guys, recently at my place of work they got in a gorgeous shipment of bettas, although they usually just get like. Red and blue bettas with an occasional green betta, this time around they got all sorts of bettas. One of which really caught my eye; a very pink half moon betta. Extremely pink. I've never seen a fish so pink in my life. Is this unusual at all? Or am I just too used to seeing really generically colored bettas?
I've never seen an all pink betta before. It seems like chain stores have been getting nicer ones lately!
i may just pick it up tomorrow and bring it home if he's still there, stick it in a vase for a few days til I get paid on wednesday and get a good 5 gallon or so for him for the time being.

Would endlers livebearers not get killed by a betta, generally? We just started carrying those, too.
i may just pick it up tomorrow and bring it home if he's still there, stick it in a vase for a few days til I get paid on wednesday and get a good 5 gallon or so for him for the time being.

Would endlers livebearers not get killed by a betta, generally? We just started carrying those, too.

Endlers are fine with bettas :)
i may just pick it up tomorrow and bring it home if he's still there, stick it in a vase for a few days til I get paid on wednesday and get a good 5 gallon or so for him for the time being.

Would endlers livebearers not get killed by a betta, generally? We just started carrying those, too.

Endlers are fine with bettas :)

+1 I keep Endlers with a male HM :)
Is it pink like this one?




Or a much darker pink? I don't know if pink is rare, a friend bred this one.
thats a copper ;) I had a lovely pair of bright pink dragons HMPKs last year would jump at the chance to have 1 again and I hate pink
I think I have seen a pale pink VT once but apart from that I don't think I have - definitely not a HM that I can think of. He sounds fantastic - lucky you ;)
This is my pink dragon male i had last year


He is more a salmon pink colour

His partner ;) more pale pink

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