Are Panda Cory Hard To Breed


Fish Fanatic
Jul 2, 2011
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i want to breed panda cory,or try anyway, ive got a new tank 100l or 110l ,im only putting panda cory,and blue eyed tetras and rummy nose teras in, how many panda shud i buy, how many males,females,any 1 got any advice how to set it up,i love corys ,i have albino,peppered. im goin to put sand in the tank for them, is that ok when trying to breed them,
It isn't hard for Halrequins. I actually have had mine produce eggs twice, but since I wasn't in a position to raise any fry, I did nothing and they got munched. :sad: I will try again in a couple months.
It isn't hard for Halrequins. I actually have had mine produce eggs twice, but since I wasn't in a position to raise any fry, I did nothing and they got munched. :sad: I will try again in a couple months.
thankyou,im gona try when i get the rest of my corys this week,thankyou :good:
Harlequins has water that doesn't seem to match what they prefer, but they still seem to spawn. Some folks use a cooler water change to help condition them to spawn, and use live foods. I feed only shrimp pellets, algae wafers and frozen bloodworms (and maybe some flakes that make their way to the bottom). I think the key is being diligent in LOOKING for eggs. I didn't see "mating behavior" before I found my eggs. I just happened to find the eggs. They lay them in different spots. Sometimes on the glass, but I found mine on the leaves of some anacharis.
Pandas like to hide their eggs. How you should set up a tank for them and how you should proceed are really a function of what your goals are. If all you want is to get some fry to survive, then have lots of cover will probably do it. Feed them good food and wait for a good storm to roll in to do a large water change. You need at least one of each sex for this. As a rule of thumb more males than females are needed.

If your goal is to get the most eggs as possible and to have the maximum number of fry live as possible, then you will need to do things differently. Use spawning mops for them to hide their eggs and which you can then remove to hatching tanks. You will need a good antifungal on hand, a cycled sponge filter and heater and a good fry food. Live such as infusoria and newly hatched bbs are idea but there is an assortment of fry foods that will all work.

Fm corys can produce more eggs than a single male can fertilize.This fosters genetic diversification and also is why you want 2-3 males/ female. Corys are seasonal spawners and the change over from dry to rainy season will trigger them. Rather than my trying to fully explain how and why this all works I can point you to a great article on this here Dry and Rainy Seasons in the Tank
I wouldnt be putting any tetras into the tank if you want the eggs to survive, they pretty much follow the corys around waiting for a nice little meal :)

My rummynose tetras in my tank are quite young and havnt been able to nab many of my eggs yet before i get to them.

As for Pandas being harder to breed, i would say yes, they are a little bit tougher than the common albino/bronze corys which breed at the drop of a hat.
I feed mine a good varied diet of mini granules/granules,defrosted bloodworm/bbs etc etc,

My pandas are pretty active anyway,but they tend to step a gear and become mental zooming around the tank,going up & down the glass,quite amusing when you got all of them chasing each other,has mentioned they only lay a few each time & hide their eggs quite well and it is a hunting game finding them...normally under the anubias' wide leaves :rolleyes:

I had the albinos spawning this morning,now the pandas are becoming very active again,but i have found they are avid egg eaters,they were eating more of the eggs before i had chance of saving all of them... :rolleyes:

But if you intend on keeping other fish,then if they find the eggs before you,they will get munched,have a read of this Breeding corys ,has excellent info on breeding & rearing :good:

I have struggled in the past with rearing panda fry,didnt make it past the third week :sad: ,but thankfully i've managed to raise 3 atm to the 2 month stage :) heres my Panda fry thread
I have struggled in the past with rearing panda fry,didnt make it past the third week :sad: ,but thankfully i've managed to raise 3 atm to the 2 month stage :) heres my Panda fry thread


Interesting -- for me Panda's was the easiest, no effort to raise. But I had an identical problem with C.habrosus -- could not get past the third week -- and others think it is an easy one.
I have struggled in the past with rearing panda fry,didnt make it past the third week :sad: ,but thankfully i've managed to raise 3 atm to the 2 month stage :) heres my Panda fry thread


Interesting -- for me Panda's was the easiest, no effort to raise. But I had an identical problem with C.habrosus -- could not get past the third week -- and others think it is an easy one.

Thanks :)
It strange how one species can be harder to raise than others,but like you say,ones you think are hard turns out to be the easiest :rolleyes: .With my first batch of 8 tri's eggs all survived,then batches after that i had a bad time with lots dying,then went all good again,pygmys i found easy-despite their size,golds didnt make it past a few now its the albinos/pandas the tri's are starting again :rolleyes: :lol:
pygmy's i did not have much of problem with despite their tiny size... c.habrosus, with much larger fry were a problem.

the solution btw was to stop caring about the fry... I simply dropped the eggs into a tank with rainbow fry and stopped looking on them or trying to feed them...just whatever falls on the bottom. The result was full survival, very fast growth, and half of the rainbow fry being eaten...not that I mind.

golds didnt make it past a few weeks

golds == gold laser, cw010's? Mine seem happy but no egg production at all...
i'm guessing a lot of it has to do with the stats of the water you use, when i say i've got some cory fry, most people are shocked and ask what sort of water i use, then are even more shocked when i say its just normal tap water.
pygmy's i did not have much of problem with despite their tiny size... c.habrosus, with much larger fry were a problem.

the solution btw was to stop caring about the fry... I simply dropped the eggs into a tank with rainbow fry and stopped looking on them or trying to feed them...just whatever falls on the bottom. The result was full survival, very fast growth, and half of the rainbow fry being eaten...not that I mind.

golds didnt make it past a few weeks

golds == gold laser, cw010's? Mine seem happy but no egg production at all...
Sorry,yep gold lasers ,they spawned when i put them in a separate tank straight away,here they are spawning :) but unfortunately the fry didn't make it :sad:

i'm guessing a lot of it has to do with the stats of the water you use, when i say i've got some cory fry, most people are shocked and ask what sort of water i use, then are even more shocked when i say its just normal tap water.
Well in theory my water is a no-go :rolleyes: hard water & a ph of 8 :lol:
Pandas like to hide their eggs. How you should set up a tank for them and how you should proceed are really a function of what your goals are. If all you want is to get some fry to survive, then have lots of cover will probably do it. Feed them good food and wait for a good storm to roll in to do a large water change. You need at least one of each sex for this. As a rule of thumb more males than females are needed.

If your goal is to get the most eggs as possible and to have the maximum number of fry live as possible, then you will need to do things differently. Use spawning mops for them to hide their eggs and which you can then remove to hatching tanks. You will need a good antifungal on hand, a cycled sponge filter and heater and a good fry food. Live such as infusoria and newly hatched bbs are idea but there is an assortment of fry foods that will all work.

Fm corys can produce more eggs than a single male can fertilize.This fosters genetic diversification and also is why you want 2-3 males/ female. Corys are seasonal spawners and the change over from dry to rainy season will trigger them. Rather than my trying to fully explain how and why this all works I can point you to a great article on this here Dry and Rainy Seasons in the Tank

I feed mine a good varied diet of mini granules/granules,defrosted bloodworm/bbs etc etc,

My pandas are pretty active anyway,but they tend to step a gear and become mental zooming around the tank,going up & down the glass,quite amusing when you got all of them chasing each other,has mentioned they only lay a few each time & hide their eggs quite well and it is a hunting game finding them...normally under the anubias' wide leaves :rolleyes:

I had the albinos spawning this morning,now the pandas are becoming very active again,but i have found they are avid egg eaters,they were eating more of the eggs before i had chance of saving all of them... :rolleyes:

But if you intend on keeping other fish,then if they find the eggs before you,they will get munched,have a read of this Breeding corys ,has excellent info on breeding & rearing :good:

I have struggled in the past with rearing panda fry,didnt make it past the third week :sad: ,but thankfully i've managed to raise 3 atm to the 2 month stage :) heres my Panda fry thread

Pandas like to hide their eggs. How you should set up a tank for them and how you should proceed are really a function of what your goals are. If all you want is to get some fry to survive, then have lots of cover will probably do it. Feed them good food and wait for a good storm to roll in to do a large water change. You need at least one of each sex for this. As a rule of thumb more males than females are needed.

If your goal is to get the most eggs as possible and to have the maximum number of fry live as possible, then you will need to do things differently. Use spawning mops for them to hide their eggs and which you can then remove to hatching tanks. You will need a good antifungal on hand, a cycled sponge filter and heater and a good fry food. Live such as infusoria and newly hatched bbs are idea but there is an assortment of fry foods that will all work.

Fm corys can produce more eggs than a single male can fertilize.This fosters genetic diversification and also is why you want 2-3 males/ female. Corys are seasonal spawners and the change over from dry to rainy season will trigger them. Rather than my trying to fully explain how and why this all works I can point you to a great article on this here Dry and Rainy Seasons in the Tank

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