Are Nerite Snails Asexual?

I always though that Nerite snails couldnt breed in an aquairum due to a very complex breeding cycle.
depends what nerites you get. There are different types of true brackish, true freshwater and, i think, land nerites. not sure about asexual etc though.
It only takes one to lay those hard to remove eggs if thats what you were wondering about.
no they are not asexual
Unlike many snails that spawn by releasing gametes into the water, Nerites reproduce by having sex! The male has a penis and the female has an organ to store sperm. The eggs are laid in small white capsules

So I don't have to worry!


Why, don't you want hundreds of snails in your tank?!
I had only one and I have lots of eggs on the bogwood. It started laying a month after I got it and seemed to lay eggs every day for a month until I returned it to the lfs.
I had only one and I have lots of eggs on the bogwood. It started laying a month after I got it and seemed to lay eggs every day for a month until I returned it to the lfs.

Would have already been pregnant.

My missus has 2, ones a bumblebee and the other I just got her its a tiger.Neither have laid any eggs, the bumblees been in her tank almost a year.
grow up.
I used the medical term for the organ in question

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