Are My Tiger Barbs Spawning?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 4, 2005
Reaction score
Iv'e noticed with one of my tiger barbs that its stomach is really large....larger tha n normal (as far as i am aware it is a female) one of the other tiger barbs has a greenish tint to it and is pointing its nose downwards. He has been doing this for the last couple of days now but iv'e just notice the size of her today. Could she be carrying egss and if so what should i be doing? Whats happening with the other Green tininted barb?
Sounds as if she is carrying eggs and that the male is displaying to her
You donthave to do anything as she will scatter the eggs and they will in all likleyhood be eaten.
As you were saying you are new to the hobby you probably dont want to be inundated with a load of tiger barb fry anyway and your platy fry will be much easier to raise :)
Is there anything i should be doinging with the pregnant platy? Does she need to be seperated?
There are a couple of possible issues here.

Tiger Barbs are very aggressive. They should always be kept in groups of at least 6 fish to distribute the effects of aggression. If you only have 2, it is likely that one will kill the other and then terrorise the rest of the tank.

If you have several, then they spawn readily, the females are always wider and deeper in the body then males. Males, in most of the colour morphs available, retain the red colouration from the snout, up over the head. In breeding condition, this colour is more prominent.

Head down pose whilst flaring the fins and "dancing" around a female is normal. Head down otherwise is a sign of distress with TB's. Many people keep TB's in their tanks because they are so quick to go "nose down" when there is something wrong with their water.
I have three tiger barbs, non have red tips on their noses though. The only red/orange is on the tips of their fins.

Water stats

Nitrite 0
Amonia 0
Nitrate 20
pH 6.4

Most reactions
