I've had my two Silver Dollars for about a year or so now, maybe half a year. They're about three or three and a half feet long. I've asked this question on the boards before, but never really got a direct response answering my question, so I figured I'd try asking on this board.
Ocassionally, usually in the early morning or late at night, I notice that either one or both of my Silver Dollars have a black spos on them. The back spot is on both sides of their body and is roughly in line with thier eye. Sometimes I've noticed a smaller one just below this black spot. On occasion thier fins, particularly thier dorsal and pectoral fins are also rimmed with black. This is not a permenent thing, as once when I turned the light on, I watched the black spot on thier body and black markings on their fins disappear within literally less than a minute.
Today, as well as a few times in the past, I've noticed the Silver Dollars exhibiting a "behavior". As they're the only two Silver Dollars, in addition to a Silver Dollar Red Hook, I have in the tank, they always swim together. But this behavior results in them swimming together very tightly side by side and with the pair eventually stopping and participating in rapid shimmiing/flicking/twitching/vibrations (don't know what to call it) of thier tail.
Are my fish breeding? Or is this just some kind of courtship display or some strange Silver Dollar behavior? I've never had any fish breed besides guppies and mollies and such, and that was when I was a little kid. In any case, I've never found any eggs.
Ocassionally, usually in the early morning or late at night, I notice that either one or both of my Silver Dollars have a black spos on them. The back spot is on both sides of their body and is roughly in line with thier eye. Sometimes I've noticed a smaller one just below this black spot. On occasion thier fins, particularly thier dorsal and pectoral fins are also rimmed with black. This is not a permenent thing, as once when I turned the light on, I watched the black spot on thier body and black markings on their fins disappear within literally less than a minute.
Today, as well as a few times in the past, I've noticed the Silver Dollars exhibiting a "behavior". As they're the only two Silver Dollars, in addition to a Silver Dollar Red Hook, I have in the tank, they always swim together. But this behavior results in them swimming together very tightly side by side and with the pair eventually stopping and participating in rapid shimmiing/flicking/twitching/vibrations (don't know what to call it) of thier tail.
Are my fish breeding? Or is this just some kind of courtship display or some strange Silver Dollar behavior? I've never had any fish breed besides guppies and mollies and such, and that was when I was a little kid. In any case, I've never found any eggs.