Are My Plecos Peaceful?


Fish Fanatic
Jan 1, 2008
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I have 2 common plecos in a 55 gallon tank. Im not sure if they are playing or they are fighting. usually they both hide in a cave during the day, but when i feed them they come out. sometimes when they are out they "purposely" hit each other and they sometimes chase each other. They really don't bother the other fish but they seem to be pestering each other.
How big are the fish? 2 Common plecos in a 55 gallon? The tank is far too small. They are possibly showing territorial behaviour due to lack of space.
What other fish do you currently have in the tank?
right now they are only about 2.5 inches. i've had them for about 5 months now. the other fish i have are 1 zebra loach, 3 rasboras, 2 black skirt tetra, 1 sunset corral platy, and 1 fancy guppy.
Unless you plan on upgrading to a great big massive tank very soon, I suggest you return the common plecos and get a pair of bristlenose catfish instead. If you specifically want algae eating catfish. They only grow to a max of 6" each instead of the common plec size of 18" +
That will leave plenty of space to build decent sized groups of the fish you already have. They should all be in groups of at leaset 4. Ideally 6.
Unless you plan on upgrading to a great big massive tank very soon, I suggest you return the common plecos and get a pair of bristlenose catfish instead. If you specifically want algae eating catfish. They only grow to a max of 6" each instead of the common plec size of 18" +
That will leave plenty of space to build decent sized groups of the fish you already have. They should all be in groups of at leaset 4. Ideally 6.

I was planing on getting rid of one of the plecos because i do know that can get big. but i figured since they aren't that big now i should be fine. Also, i do know i should get more of the other fish. at one time they were in schools but lots of died due to the cycling phase. but i plan to move in a month so i wanted to wait to move before i got more fish
Yeh, the tank is far to small for the common pleco

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