Are My Molly's Both Pregnant?


New Member
Feb 14, 2013
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Hi there. I recently set up a fish box 120 litre. We got 2 female Molly's 23 days ago. The dalmation 1 started looking fatter after about a week of having her and continues to grow. Not squaring off though. My black molly is only now starting to look fat. Can they both be pregnant? The dalmation molly is double the general size of the black 1. I've inserted 2 picture but not very clear as they were hiding in plants. They both seem to hide behind filter. When do I put them in breeders box? Please help!

Yes, hard to tell for the balloon molly as they're always fat 
But they are. I suggest you keep them in the same tank as there are lots of plants for the baby to hide in, and the molly will get stressed in a breeder box. But you can put them in the box when their bellies are squared off, which might take a week to two weeks, if lucky.
UpSideDown said:
Yes, hard to tell for the balloon molly as they're always fat :) But they are. I suggest you keep them in the same tank as there are lots of plants for the baby to hide in, and the molly will get stressed in a breeder box. But you can put them in the box when their bellies are squared off, which might take a week to two weeks, if lucky.

They are not balloon Molly's they are the normal 1's. there is plenty of plants in the tank, 6 I think.
The dalmatian certainly look pregnant to me.
Also, just in case you didn't know.  They can have several batches of babies without any visit of a male..
I have one dalmatian molly that had two batches of fry now.  Only molly in my tank, and for the first 3 months nothing happened, then she started dropping fry every month (much to my surprise)...  Got 37 juveniles growing up in a separate tank now.
(Can't help you on the breeder box, because I never put my "mom" in it.  I just rescued the fry and moved them there after they were born.)
I don't want to risk leaving fry in tank when she has them because I have angel fish, corys, plectrum and lil african frogs. Ill keep an eye on her, she's not very square at the min and seems to be eating normally. Will she hang round the bottom before she has fry? She hides at filter at top mostly with black 1
I'm not very sure if my Dalmatian Molly is pregnant or not. She seems bigger than the other Molly I have. Im not sure what to do of she is pregnant. Please help......

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