Are My Loaches Fighting, Breeding Or Playing?

They are definitely fighting. They are lip locking in the first vid & their dorsal fins are very upright, I can't tell from the vid whether they have "greyed out" but that would be another give away if they look quite colourless. See if you can hear any clicking next time they act like this? They will fight to sort out a pecking order amongst the group and occasionally will challenge each other.
They were definitely not greyed out. That is one of the first things I looked for. They were clicking though. They were also doing this strange little thing were they were walking around each other. I have a big flat rok in my tank and they were both on top of it. Not swimming but using their fins to walk. The starnge part was while they were walking they were going really slow and kinda vibrating. Not sure if any of that made sense.

they wont kill each other will they?

I've never lost one to fighting yet but it can happen, they are vicious buggers.

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