Are My Fish Oap's?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 5, 2006
Reaction score
England (Yorkshire)
Over the last few weeks i've lost a balloon molly about every 2 weeks. I now only have 1 left which looks like its about to pop its clogs. I've only had them about a year but they were adult size when i bought them. I had a problem with the stats a few months ago but the tank recycled quickly and the stats have been stable ever since. Everything else in my tank seems to be unaffected (corys, danios, kuhle loach and glass catfish).

Could it be possible that they have died of old age?
They have a short lifespan as they have been inbreed so much I think. Do you add to their water?
Although you didnt say i think you meant did i add salt. Unfortunately i didnt know they needed salt when i bought them, i was badly advised at fish store and because of other things in my tank i couldnt add salt. I suppose i should have taken them back really but they seemed to be fine and i'd had them for months before i found out.

The last molly is laid on the bottom puffing hard, i am considering euthanasing tommorow if he doesnt show improvement.
Yeah sorry I missed to say salt. Point is mollies are brackish fish, they are more susceptible to disease in FW. Sorry I can't help other than that, have you posted in the livebearer section?

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