Are My Fish Dead


Fish Crazy
Feb 15, 2007
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ok so heres the deal i let my fish in a pond near my house. do you think they died?
there was no where else for them to go!!!!!!! get off my back
they could have possibly lived but more of a chance they didn't.. not really sure.. (i'm not on ur back. and im not yelling at ya..)
i know im just messing around.... well hopefully they did survive.
considering how colorful they are, they might've been snatched up by birds or other fish. if not, they're gonna wreak havoc on the local ecosystem for another 3 months and then die when it gets cold
considering how colorful they are, they might've been snatched up by birds or other fish. if not, they're gonna wreak havoc on the local ecosystem for another 3 months and then die when it gets cold
that's what kind of thought...
It depends... is it cold?
They might've jumped out, been snatched up by birds, or eaten by bigger fish... maybe it was too cold or they weren't used to it. How long did you leave them?
Was there more than 1 male/ a male and some females?
I hope they survived, but there's also a chance that they didn't... and it's a pretty big chance...
ok well it was EVERY fish i have it does not get cold in az and they definitely woldnt have gotten snatched by birds
Please tell me you didn't have guppies... or platies, mollies or swordtails.
Well if this isn't a Troll then mcdanielnc89 doesn't care about fish and is only trying to get a rise out of everyone. I wouldn't bother replying to this message any further.
Is this pond naturally occuring? You could be breaking the law. Also, If it is not a naturally occuring pond, and if they live, perhaps you could farm them. If was nice having them.

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