Are My Fish Compatible

my new fish list

1 gold nugget pleco
8 mollys
2 male dwarf gourami
6 female dwarf gourami
6 little tetras
2 shrimp
2 apple snails
and 1 or 2 baby snails dont no where they come from

they look more compataible now thanks
Better, except for the two male DGs. And what are "little tetras"?

I think they're Neons, according to his previous post. I still think he may have problems with the male Dwarf Gouramis but at least he has a big enough tank for them to establish their own territories.

Personally, I'd like to see some pictures of his setup. I bet it looks great.
Your Dwarf Gouramis "should" be OK, I have that exact tank with 3 males, there aggressiveness is severely overrated IMO. I'm not saying they don't nip at each other but provide plenty of cover and they'll be fine.

Oh and on the cloudiness I had a piece of wood that was leaking sap, this caused if for me, is there jelly like stuff coating it?
Better, except for the two male DGs. And what are "little tetras"?

3 of the tetras are neons the other 3 ???? i can not remember but sure it starts with a d---- but i can not find a pic of them ever i will put a picture on here soon tonight ot tommorrow

i was told that a 15g w/c was not enough that i shuld be doing twice this much i was due a w/c today so i tryed i got to 20g witch is 100 liters that is to much for a weekley w/c i was told 10% to 25% but 30 g is 150 literswitch is more than 50% i think i will stick to 50 to 75 liters a week the fish are happy with that 100 liters is to stressful for them i think

i think the problems was with us g and imperial g .. imperial g has 5 liters not sure about us g i think the us liter is smaller aswell not sure ????

also the male dgs are happy they have there own spots and when they do come together they do not chase each other but the male black and white molly he chasees all of them if they get to close but mostley the female mollys to get laid lol

thankyou for your replys they have been a lot of help thanks
Based on your tank I would dispute it holds 240 litres, I assume your tank is cycled?? I take 50-60 litres out weekly, thats about 30% I'd guess.
Oh and on the cloudiness I had a piece of wood that was leaking sap, this caused if for me, is there jelly like stuff coating it?

i have 1 new pice of wood all the rest is old been in a fish tank since 2007 there is no jelly on the new pice it is natural mopani root it was pre soaked but i think it still makes my water go a little yellow i just did a large w/c 100 liters and the water looks a lot better without the yellow tint i will wait intill tommorrow to see if the white cloud has gone i think it is now only little bubbles i will post tommorrow and let you now thanks
Based on your tank I would dispute it holds 240 litres, I assume your tank is cycled?? I take 50-60 litres out weekly, thats about 30% I'd guess.

the tank is 119 cm long 50 cm tall and 39 wide that is the inside measurements from bottom to the top of the water i am just going by what fluval say about size = 238
the tank has been running for 1 month it was 2nd hand tank and filter and bog wood the tank and filter was running right up to 8 hrs befor i went to get it and was transported with water a little water in the tank as well as in the filter and i set it straight up
i used aqua one neutraliser in the tap water
and 4 days later when i put fish in i used nutrafin cycle witch prevents fish loss
but now when i do a w/c i use wilko weekly cleaner active ingredients natural micro organisms
also a water safe witch is a white salt like stuf it is a tiny little tube that will do 300 lieters i do not no what its name is but it is from wilko as well
thanks for reading my post

Should be fine then, I think you've got a 12-24 hour window to keep the filter good. I was just saying I have the same tank and I'd say it was more 200, I filled it up with tens litre buckets and used 200 litres, must be all the gravel, ornaments and what not, adjust your percentages to that when doing water changes.

Personally I wouldn't bother with all those cleaner things, just stick with chlorine remover, Tapsafe or something similar.
i only put it in while i was cycleing the tank but now i am all out i will just get the tap safe i have had algae growing for aprox 2 weeks i normaly change about 50 to 75 liters the fish seem happy with that they try to eat the poo as it goes up the tube also the mollys nip at my fingers lol they do not stop trying to eat them thanks for your help
Your tank should be cycled, its the filter rather than the water so as long as it wasn't off for to long and kept damp it'll be fine. Get an API Test kit and test it though just to be on the safe side. Wouldn't worry about algae to much, buy one of those algae brushes and just scrub it off, there about £5 or so.
Your tank should be cycled, its the filter rather than the water so as long as it wasn't off for to long and kept damp it'll be fine. Get an API Test kit and test it though just to be on the safe side. Wouldn't worry about algae to much, buy one of those algae brushes and just scrub it off, there about £5 or so.

i have one alredy used it twice not very good i think i will wait next time and use a razor blade thanks m8

pic of my tank













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