Are My Convicts Getting Ready To Lay?


New Member
Apr 9, 2010
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So lately my Convicts have been digging holes in the gravel and also rubbing up against smaller convicts (females im sure). They will like rub against them while flapping there back fin a little as if trying to impress her... also some of them have spots where they wont let ANYONE go but will let there girl go so i think there are other spots I cant even see hidden by decor or plants with more areas getting ready to have eggs?

here are some pictures...any info is help full!






So should I be expecting eggs soon?
Were it me, I would pray they don't lay eggs otherwise as has been explained in previous posts, all bets are off as to survival rates of eggs and or any other fish in the tank. Yes, convicts will dig pits to deposit eggs and pity any other swimming thing that comes near the nest or any surviving fry assuming they don't simply eat the eggs due to unsuitable conditions.
Many fish will eat eggs or abort birthing if they feel they cannot protect and raise the young fish without trouble. Is quite likely to be trouble soon.
What is a good size tank to use for just breeding? would a 10 gal work?
What is a good size tank to use for just breeding? would a 10 gal work?

Judging from the size of your fish depicted in photos,20 to 30 gal tank would maybe be better. I would not breed these fish if I did not have numerous tanks to separate males and females and someone to take the babys.
Here in my neck of the woods,you could not give them away. They are too common,produce too quickly,and their behaivor with other fish is unpredictable with the exception of spawning time when they are sure to become grumpy.
Yeah you should really think before keeping female convicts with males. I had to get rid of mine as they bred about 4 times with over 50 babies each time and last time they did it, they had to the looks of it 80 - 100 babies. The male was only 2" and the female was smaller. I really didn't want to give them away but until I read that it wasn't the breeding fish or even babies in trouble, it would be the tank mates that could be troubled as convicts could kill their tank mates whilst spawning and trying to keep the babies alive. It was a good experience to watch and see how they kept picking out the babies that swam away and bringing them back to the rest of the jelly heads lol :p
Yeah you should really think before keeping female convicts with males. I had to get rid of mine as they bred about 4 times with over 50 babies each time and last time they did it, they had to the looks of it 80 - 100 babies. The male was only 2" and the female was smaller. I really didn't want to give them away but until I read that it wasn't the breeding fish or even babies in trouble, it would be the tank mates that could be troubled as convicts could kill their tank mates whilst spawning and trying to keep the babies alive. It was a good experience to watch and see how they kept picking out the babies that swam away and bringing them back to the rest of the jelly heads lol :p

LOL do they do that? i cant wait to see them take the babys and put them back..that sounds fun to watch. Its fun as hell watching them move rocks...its so cool..and Its crazy when they get into little staring competitions and they puff out there gills all crazy to try and scare the other off...

I am thinking about leaving 2 pairs in the tank for each end of the tank, going to replace most of the decor with 2 planting pots, 1 on each side...and maybe separate the tank after i see fry..mite leave 3 or 4 females to 2 males in there and put the rest in my RES Tank...they are good fish to have with RES cuz there so fast and mine are big anyway so they wont put up with a turtle in there face.

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