Are My Bn's Breeding?


Fish Expert
Feb 26, 2011
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I have noticed that my Bristlenoses are acting different. I bought them as a male and female, it didn't say anything about them being a breeding pair but i kind of figured they were of a decent enough size to breed. Probably paid over the odds for them as they were £12 each but they were far bigger than any others i had seen for a long time.

They have been in the tank for probably a month and a half and haven't really paid much attention to each other. Just lately i have noticed them being near each other a bit. I have placed a cave in the tank, mainly to try and get the fairy cichlids to breed but the BN's have been using it more and more just lately.

Last night i noticed that the female and male was taking it in turns to go in the cave. probably for 30 seconds at a time. They did this about twice, then the male would not come out and would not let the female in. She tried and tried but he didn't budge. I have also noticed that his fins are 'waving' alot where as before they didn't move. He protects the entrance to the cave most of the time, but will sometimes come out and lay in front if it then return to his usual stance. It is certainly very interesting to watch them and very interesting to see what will happen etc etc. Is there any other signs i should be looking out for? The female has now returned to 'her' usual side of the tank which is on the opposite side to the cave. Although they are of similar size, the female is bigger. The male has some mega bristles and are both active and regularly seen feeding on algae wafers. They don't seem to clean the tank very much though! :lol:

Any help is welcome! :)
i think your male is fanning eggs i have a few BNfry about my tank that just left the dad on saturday there once the eggs were placed i didnt do anything special i just did a 10% water change a day and just waited very impatiently haha then soon enough you will see empty shells that have came out of the cave and you will if you are like me get very excited but just wait and keep a close eye on him.

the way you have explained what they have been doing and him moving his fins alot just sound like to me he is fanning eggs so congrats and good luck :good:
100% they have spawned i used to sit and watch my L144s spawn female will reverse in then the male would go in after her and shake then let her out this would go on for a fair while

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