My Albino Bronze Corys seem very unaware of food or other fish until they touch them (often getting a tail whip from the BN when they get too close). Are they known to have bad eyesight?
My Albino Bronze Corys seem very unaware of food or other fish until they touch them (often getting a tail whip from the BN when they get too close). Are they known to have bad eyesight?
All cories have bad eyesight and often use their barbels to their way around. In my aquarium it takes them a around 30 seconds to sniff out algae tablets but this is normal.
from what i believe corys have excellent eye sight. most originate from the amazon river that is very murky and tanned from dead plants, leaves etc etc.
there are many fish species living with in this water that have excellent eyesight tetras, piranhas, pacus, angelfish, discus, numerous catfish species, freshwater stingrays but to name a few all have very very good eyesight. just because they live in tanned water doesnt mean they have bad eyesight. there are however fish that use other senses to guide them like knifefish. a corys barbels are for finding food not for guidance.from what i believe corys have excellent eye sight. most originate from the amazon river that is very murky and tanned from dead plants, leaves etc etc.
Thats the reason because of bad eyesight, in the Amazon River its very muddy so most animals that live in the river have bad eyesight. Take the Arapaima or the native Pink River Dolphins.
Most Corydoras come from Rio (river) Orinoco which has also very dark water.
there are many fish species living with in this water that have excellent eyesight tetras, piranhas, pacus, angelfish, discus, numerous catfish species, freshwater stingrays but to name a few all have very very good eyesight. just because they live in tanned water doesnt mean they have bad eyesight. there are however fish that use other senses to guide them like knifefish. a corys barbels are for finding food not for guidance.from what i believe corys have excellent eye sight. most originate from the amazon river that is very murky and tanned from dead plants, leaves etc etc.
Thats the reason because of bad eyesight, in the Amazon River its very muddy so most animals that live in the river have bad eyesight. Take the Arapaima or the native Pink River Dolphins.
Most Corydoras come from Rio (river) Orinoco which has also very dark water.