Are Kribs Good

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Oct 15, 2005
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got rid of 3 fish when my tank is cycled i would love a krib what do these not go well with
When your tank is cycled (which will probably not be for a while) it will already be fully stocked.

And the krib would be too aggressive to go into such a small tank and with guppy etc.

This question has been fully thrashed out in tropical Chitchat already; nobody is going to tell you different. Please accept that your tank is FULL, VOLL, COMPLET. And that there are already fish in there who are going to be suffering because there is no room to keep them in the sort of group they need: this is not the time to be thinking of adding even more species. IF you do manage to rehome the flying fox, the freed-up space should go on upping the number of rasboras; they will be feeling very unsafe and uncomfortable in such a small group.

You need to concentrate on learning to look after the fish you have, finding out what is best for them. HAVE YOU GOT THAT TEST KIT YET? That's where your money ought to be going, not on buying more fish.
bettas, I am a little concerned by what you're saying - I do realise some of your fish died and I can't say I'm surprised but, which fish did you 'get rid of' and how exactly?

Please, also, realise that you can't get more fish now, nor later, and that you should re-home or return the siamese flying fox. I suggest you stop asking about what you can add - you can't add ANYTHING - and focus on learning about the fish you already have.

Are you doing daily water changes? You should be.

You need to start taking this a little more seriously. The fish you have are entirely dependent on you and they are living things. Do you realise that? They cannot care for themselves - you are completely in control. They also aren't toys or decorations or something for you to collect. They are living animals and deserve a little more care and respect than you appear to be willing to give.
In answer to your question, cichlids like Kribensis are aggressive and most suited to people who have had successful experience with other freshwater aquaria first. Once you are confident that you can keep fish alive and well long term, then more specialized types of fish can be considered. I am not familiar with the tank the way the others are, but it sounds like you still have some learning to do and experience to gain.

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