Are gold nuggets aggressive?


Jan 11, 2005
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I brought home a gold nugget plec recently. (He's a little guy - about 2-3 inches in length.) He's currently in the quarantine tank (until this Friday).

I keep 5 black skirt tetras in the tank to keep it cycled.

Well, last week, one of them mysteriously had a chunk taken out of its dorsal fin. And last night when I went to turn out the lights, I found another one stuck against the filter intake dead as a doornail. Absolutely nothing appeared to be wrong with him other than I could tell the plec had been munching on his side - which isn't abnormal for a gold nugget to munch on a dead fish.

Is the plec going afer the tetras? All I can think is that they swim inside his cave and maybe he attacks them in there?

Does anyone know if gold nuggets are an overly aggressive plec? (Planet Catfish just indicates they are "territorial".) I'm hesitant to put him in the 29 gallon community tank now. I have 6 cory cats in there and I'm afraid he'll hurt them....along with the molly and the gouramis.
They're territorial, but not generally outwardly aggressive, and more among there own kind. I'd be surprised if he's going after the tetra's. Black skirts can be pretty nasty toward each other sometimes, and I'd say the missing finnage would be a fellow tetra.

Regardless, this pleco it's not a good choice for a 29 gallon anyway.
depends which type of gold nugget it it, some grow large up to 12", whilst there is another species (i forget the L#) that doesnt grow much more than 7"... which would just about be ok in a 29G... Just make sure your filtration is up to it.

Anyway, Gold Nuggets are placid fish, i very much doubt it would harm your fish. If one of the tetra died then maybe there was something in the water when you addded the plec? Either way dont move it to your 29G until you are 100% certain it is safe to do so.

I've just bought one - it isn't agressive but it does know how to chase other fish away from HIS home and HIS algae tablet!!! :lol:

Make sure you've got some bogwood and a hidingplace for him, (in the bogwood if possible - mine loves his little hiding crevis!!) :wub:

I was under the impression they get 6-8". Someone that works at my LFS has had one for 6 years and it's 7".

Hope that helps!

boxman said:
I was under the impression they get 6-8". Someone that works at my LFS has had one for 6 years and it's 7".
Yes some do stay relatively small. I think there are three (or maybe four) different kinds of Gold Nuggets though which grow to differing sizes.

I have one of the smaller varieties in my tank which doesnt seem to have developed any territorial habits and has certainly not displayed any aggression although he is still a baby at not even 2" long. :wub:
I wouldn't say my gold nugget is agressive but he is territorial. He chases away my fully grown RTBS if he comes anywhere near his cave, which is quite funny when you consider that the RTBS is nearly twice his size. :lol:

To answer your question though, I doubt the plec would go after the tetra's but he could do some damage if they got too close to him.

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