I brought home a gold nugget plec recently. (He's a little guy - about 2-3 inches in length.) He's currently in the quarantine tank (until this Friday).
I keep 5 black skirt tetras in the tank to keep it cycled.
Well, last week, one of them mysteriously had a chunk taken out of its dorsal fin. And last night when I went to turn out the lights, I found another one stuck against the filter intake dead as a doornail. Absolutely nothing appeared to be wrong with him other than I could tell the plec had been munching on his side - which isn't abnormal for a gold nugget to munch on a dead fish.
Is the plec going afer the tetras? All I can think is that they swim inside his cave and maybe he attacks them in there?
Does anyone know if gold nuggets are an overly aggressive plec? (Planet Catfish just indicates they are "territorial".) I'm hesitant to put him in the 29 gallon community tank now. I have 6 cory cats in there and I'm afraid he'll hurt them....along with the molly and the gouramis.
I keep 5 black skirt tetras in the tank to keep it cycled.
Well, last week, one of them mysteriously had a chunk taken out of its dorsal fin. And last night when I went to turn out the lights, I found another one stuck against the filter intake dead as a doornail. Absolutely nothing appeared to be wrong with him other than I could tell the plec had been munching on his side - which isn't abnormal for a gold nugget to munch on a dead fish.
Is the plec going afer the tetras? All I can think is that they swim inside his cave and maybe he attacks them in there?
Does anyone know if gold nuggets are an overly aggressive plec? (Planet Catfish just indicates they are "territorial".) I'm hesitant to put him in the 29 gallon community tank now. I have 6 cory cats in there and I'm afraid he'll hurt them....along with the molly and the gouramis.