Are Glowlight Tetras Easy To Keep?


New Member
Feb 16, 2009
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Hey guys,

After keeping neon tetras for a year and finding it difficult to keep them alive, I've decided to try my luck with glowlight tetras. I was just wondering if these guys are easier to keep than neons who I found were getting sick and dying more often than I would like. What's everyone's experience with glowlights? Are they hardier or are they pretty much the same as neons... any advice would be much appreciated before I go ahead and get some!

Thanks in advance,
Tim :)
Glowlights are very hardy in my opinion. I had a friend that neglected his tank for literally months and months and they were still alive and well.

They like a group of at least 4 or 5 as they shoal all the time.
Glowlights are very hardy in my opinion. I had a friend that neglected his tank for literally months and months and they were still alive and well.

They like a group of at least 4 or 5 as they shoal all the time.
Great! Thanks a lot :)
My first tetras were Glow lights and I still have all 6
there lovely fish and go well in a comunity tank in my humble opinion
Excellent! Great to hear that everyone's glowlights are doing well and are easy to keep. I ended up buying a small shoal of these guys (6 of them) last week, and all of them seem to be doing very well so far. These guys go crazier over food than any of the fish that I've ever kept! I love them! :) Thanks for sharing your experiences guys.
Piggy little things :blink: :lol:

They look fantastic when there happy the orange stripes are fantastic :good:

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