Are Glass Catfish Compatible


RIP Dear nan 22/03/1925 --11/03/2009
Sep 22, 2008
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Devon - UK
ok i'm driving people nuts with all my questions asking if i can keep different fishies but i dont want to buy without knowing they'd be ok

i seen these glass catfish at the lfs the other day and they look cool
could i add them to any of my tanks
and if so which tank

i have soft water and my ph range is7-7.2

the rios 180 will be losing all the platys and some guppys and getting 2 blue rams
apart from that stocking is per siggy

cheers sarah xx

rio 180


hex 55lt
glass cats are shoaling fish, that do best in the lower end of the brackish scale SG 1.05, like a mature tank. there isnt much to them.
yeah but i like them lol just wondering which tank they could go in ?
anyone else got any ideas wether these will go with my current stocking in tanks
i have read up on them and they seem like peaceful fish
and i know you need a group of 6 if possible and that they like planted tanks
I really can't help you with the glass cats, but wanted to say that your tanks are beautiful! I love the first one especially! Is that water lettuce thats floating? Very cool. Hope you find a place for the cats, I've seen those before, very interesting looking fish.

Thanks for the kind comments Laura

the floating plant is amazon frogbit it grows like mad and all the fish love it including the shrimps
the fry hide in it and are perfectly safe

take care Sarah x
Hi pippoodle :)

I kept a school of them some years ago and they are a very interesting, but delicate, fish. They are not very active at all, in fact I'd know exactly where each one would be all the time. It almost seemed that they each picked his own spot among the leaves and hovered there. They don't even chase their food but catch it as it passes by. After they have eaten their stomachs (which you can see through their skin) turns the color of their food. I liked them a lot. :D
are they compatible with all of my fish ?
i thought they would be but i like to check lol

i know they dont do much just thought they'd be an interesting addition to one of my tanks maybe the 180
Hi pippoodle :)

They are totally non-aggressive. As long as their tankmates are the same there should be no problems. I don't know the behaviors of all your fish, so I can't help you further, but I'm sure they would love your plants.
all my babies are soft as buns lol so i'll get a nice group of these then
would 6 be a good number ? or is it like all other shoalers the more the better
Hi pippoodle :)

I'd say the more the better. :D

Good luck with them. I hope you post pictures when you get them. It's even been awhile since I've seen them at the lfs.
Hi pippoodle :)

I'd say the more the better. :D

Good luck with them. I hope you post pictures when you get them. It's even been awhile since I've seen them at the lfs.

will do thanks for all the help inchworm :)
Great looking tank :) Glass cats will absolutely love your tank, plenty of hiding spots. I am of course referring to the rio180, the others are beautiful too though. In fact unless you look really hard you probably won't even see them except at feeding time. They prefer current in the tank rather than none. I mention this because I cannot see any of your equipment.
the glass cats are in the aquaone and are doing perfectly and are out and about all day - took about 4 weeks for them to settle and see that there weren't any predators and since then i see them all the time
Hey pip your tanks look stunning :) Love the aquaone how many litres? Looks pretty deep or is that an illusion?

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