Are German Blue Rams Compatible With My Tank Setup?

Mr Melt

Apr 18, 2011
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Hi guys.

I've had my tank setup for quite a while now (including the fish).

The tanks a 50ltr Fishbox, and its heavily planted along the back of the tank.

In the tank I have:
Caesar (Male Crowntail Betta)
Fred and George (Assorted Male Platies)
Hob and Nob (Male Endlers Livebearers)

I was wondering; would I be able to add 2 German Blue Rams into the tank? My main reason for asking is simply because I'm not sure if Caesar would tolerate the newcomers =/

PS - if I can add the GBR's I will consider my tank fully stocked - no more fish will be added =)

PPS - I am aware that these fish can be a bit tricky to keep, especially in a tank that isnt fully cycled, so to be absolutely safe I wont add them (if they can be added!) for a few weeks yet!
tank is far too small imo. and the quality of rams for sale is really low at the moment. poor things have been weakened and weakened in recent times.
Thanks for the replies.

Really though? GBR's I'm told are roughly the same size as one of my platies. Why is it that they cant fit in my tank whereas the platies can?
+1 for no

Rams like space, they get stressed when there isnt enough of it. They are territorial if they pair up and breed and they will get agressive to other fish. In that size tank, there is no room to hide, your other fish would just suffer.
Thanks for the replies.

Really though? GBR's I'm told are roughly the same size as one of my platies. Why is it that they cant fit in my tank whereas the platies can?

It isn't always about how big they are, but more about where they are most comfortable. Some fish need swimming space so a long tank is needed. Others are territorial, and need a certain amount to be "content". etc.

If the folks on here tell you that a fish isn't compatible in a certain space, I would trust them. Btw, confirms the 20 gallon statement.
A good quality M.ramirezi should reach about 3 inches in length, the common commercially farmed crap currently for sale in most places will probably get to about 2 inches, have a short life span and be suscpetible to diseases such as Hexamita, Fungus and Bacterial infections.

As well as needing 20 Gallons per pair, you'll want at least 2 square feet of foot print per pair also, most sources state the wrong temperature required for M.ramirezi, ideally it should be in the 28-32[sup]o[/sup]C range, acidic conditions and a low mineral content are also favourable, also sand is a must have not an option, M.ramirezi are from the genus Microgeophagus which literally translates to small earth eater.
Fair enough, you have all dissuaded me from getting them.

If Santa brings me a 200ltr this Xmas I'll reconsider of course! =P

With a heavily planted tank (along the back) and the aforementioned fish in them, could I then add (instead) 6 Cardinal/Neon Tetras? I'm not too sure about their size requirements though =/
Cardinal Tetra's should be okay, they may nip the fins of your Betta however so just be aware of that.
Cardinal Tetra's should be okay, they may nip the fins of your Betta however so just be aware of that.
Thanks. Which would you recommend personally (based on temperament, compatability and hardiness)?
Cardinal Tetra's are pretty hardy, Rasbora's generally aren't as nippy, anything from the Trigonostigma genus should be fine, T.espei is the most colourful, then T.hengeli then T.heteromorpha.
#41####. I had my heart set on some tetras =/

My local LFS says that neons and cardinals are fine with Bettas (as are most tetra types). They just advised against putting white/black skirts and serpae tetras in a tank with a betta.
They may be fine, but what works for one may not work for another, they may nip, they may not, Betta's are generally best kept alone.
They may be fine, but what works for one may not work for another, they may nip, they may not, Betta's are generally best kept alone.
Well he's in there at the moment with 2 platies (which get on great now) and 2 Endlers (the first hour upon placing them in the tank he chased them constantly, now he completely ignores them).

Sure Caesar may be a grumpy #105###e but hes not as bad as I feared he would be =P

I'll ask another fishstore I know of (heading up to it on Saturday anyway) and ask their advice.

I'll make my decisions on a majority opinion sure =)

Correct me if I'm wrong but the tetra/betta tank sounds like its still open to debate =/
There's no right or wrong answer, it's best to have some form of back up plan though if things do go wrong, if not you're better off just not taking the risk.

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