are danios suposed to eat mystery snails?


Fish Crazy
Aug 22, 2004
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Sacramento (City of the Governator)
One of my blue danios was acting kind of tired or something one morning and later the same day it was acting fine, but the top half of its caudal fin was gone. As i was watching, the danio suddenly darted at a floatiing pea-sized mystery snail, yanked it's insides out, shook off the shell, and carried the insides around until it swallowed it. I was surprized because i didn't know they could eat stuff that big. Then i was thinking, wow if i want my mystery snails to grow up, I might need to put them all in with my girl guppis or something. Then i was wondering if maybe they only eat dead ones, because I had just noticed that a lot of my mystery snails were not moving and i had some empty shells and stuff. I think I used a medicine the inverts didn't like, but it seemed to kill off most of the mystery snails, while leaving most of the pond snails I did move some trumpet snails to a different tank because that's what ai have the fewest of. I had used the meds because my blue danios had come with fins that i wasn't sure were damaged, but then some of my gups started dying and showing clear signs of fin rot, so either way, I blame the blue danios.
Do they normally eat snails? Is there a reason why they might attack a free floating mystery snail if i hardly ever see them eat anything else? Should i remove all the snails I care even a little about before adding more danios and coolies and tetras and hatchets and farlowelas and cories and upside down cats and frogs? i guess I won't be adding them all at once, but my guppy population is down enough to add something. I wouldn't mind at all if they just ate pond snails. I even expected to loose mystry snails, but not all of them, and I thought that one was getting big for anything in that tank to eat it. My leopard danio was the biggest and i found him wrapped around the filter recently too.
I do have one small cory that came about the same time as the blue danios. maybe he's eating snails too.
I have ten danios in a tank to themselves and from my experience so far, they eat anything. I had a snail once that sneaked in with plants i got. Now the empty shell just sits in amongst the gravel......... :byebye:
thanks for the info. I guess I should have done more research before dumping baby snails and danios into the same tank.
The one thatn I saw eating the snail is prety fat now and paler than the othern blue danio, so i think I haven a boy and a girl, but I'm not sure if the girl is just maturing or if she's full of ripening eggs or something. Maybe she's full of snails. I counted at least 7 live mystery snails in that tank today, and there are probably more. i have enough in my other tanks tokeep me hapy uless I want to sell a lot soon. Maybe I'll move the remaining mystery snails and some of the pinto bean spotted rams horns to girl guppy tanks along with any trupet snail I might find.
Do you suppose my Endlers livebearers are in danger? I put boy livebearers in as soon as I'm sure they are boys and they are pretty small. I haven't had any new babies since I started colecting danios. I've even wondered if it's a good idea to have danios, but they are fun to watch and small enough to go in my 30 gallon tank with a variety of other small fishes.
Oh yeah, I almost bought some ghost shrimp today. Will the danios eat those too?
a while back I thoght snail control might be a good reason to get dwarf puffers, but it looks like I found a different kind of snail control. Maybe the reason why the don't show much interest in flakes or pellets or freeze dried worms is because they've been eating snails all day. :dunno:
Well I'm new to keeping Danios at the moment. I've kept them for a month now. but what I do know that is female danios are ALOT more fatter than males whereas the males are more slender. As for colouration, well even my female danios can be brighter than the males. So I would go with fatness. I know for sure which are male and female because I have been watching them spawning :D

As for your endlers, are you worried the danios will harm them? And as for babies, they have probably been eaten. Danios are greedy. Thats probably why they don't show interest in the food you offer. Have you noticed if they have been pooing even though you havn't fed them? Probably because you might have plenty food (snails) in the tank already.

Hopefully someone else can tell you about the compatibiltiy of ghost shrimps and Danios because I don't know.
Lynz781 said:
Well I'm new to keeping Danios at the moment. I've kept them for a month now. but what I do know that is female danios are ALOT more fatter than males whereas the males are more slender. As for colouration, well even my female danios can be brighter than the males. So I would go with fatness. I know for sure which are male and female because I have been watching them spawning :D

As for your endlers, are you worried the danios will harm them? And as for babies, they have probably been eaten. Danios are greedy. Thats probably why they don't show interest in the food you offer. Have you noticed if they have been pooing even though you havn't fed them? Probably because you might have plenty food (snails) in the tank already.

Hopefully someone else can tell you about the compatibiltiy of ghost shrimps and Danios because I don't know.
Yes, I am worried about endlers being eaten. My leopard danio was getting pretty big before it died, and i'm considering gouramis, which are pretty big and i've seen my girl half tailed blue danio eat a snail maybe slightly larger than your average green pea, and i only have about 10 male guplers left. (that's what i call my hybrids, which i didn't plan to breed, but i like them and I have none left that look like 100% guppy. The 1 original Endler is gone too.) My female livebearers are not in the same tank with the danios and male livebearers, so they could have eatien some, but i think they just quit having fry because I took their boys away when 50 fry a month got to be too much. (over a year ago, but some of their kids grew up enough to make more babies before I transfered them to the comunity tank, so I had 2 fry last summer.) Now that they seem to have stopped having unplanned pregnancies and I have a little more of an idea where to put the fry, I finally started introducing specific fishes to each other on purpose :wub: , so hopefully I will have fry again, and i would like to be able to send the boys to the comunity tank before they cause more accidental pregnancies. Even some of my adult guplers are less than an inch long. Gill looks about 3/4 inch and he's over a year old. (He's also my first planned Daddy in over a year, not counting the ones that didn't work out)
I guess I'll have to research some of the other critters I want to put in too, but the danios seem to be the most predatious of the ones I already have. I have thought abot trying some larger tetras and danios and other things, but i started with guppies because I like the variety, and that 1 endler fathered more children than any of my male gupies, so now i have small guppies. I might move the male guppies all to a smaller tank eventually, but right now my non comunity tanks are full of goldfish and bettas and girl guppies.
Oh, I don't remember if I've noticed the danios pooing specifically, but I've had them long enough, I'm pretty sure everything works.
All members of the danioin family will eat pretty much anything, insects, crustacians, invertibrates etc; provided they can fit it into their mouths.
Well, she barely got that mystery snail in.
I don't know what to do if the danios are the reason why my boy gupies disapear so much faster than the girls. They are cute critters, bu i only have one tank big enough for much of a comunity. I don't think they ate the gups, I found most of the bodies pretty much intact, and the big ones went first, most of them before i introduced other species. I even have a tiny handicapped Endler and he's fine. He just swims funny and every time i consider adding a new critter, I say i hope it won't eat Twiggy.
Lynz781 said:
guppler said:
I even have a tiny handicapped Endler and he's fine.
Awwwww :-(
yeah, little twiggy rocket is a character. He would look just like his dad if he wasn't born witth a birth defect, and had him over a year now I first noticed him when they were all still in the 10 galon tank, then he went to tank one along with his slightly smaler and darker sister, twiggwt. I even thought he might be a girl for a while. they liked to rest on horivontal surfaces a lot, as if they were tired, so I let them keep the castle, and later gave them a big green fake rock with lots of resting spots, even near the water surface. girltwin and boytwin were born in tank 1 and seemed to have the same problem, but not as bad as Twiggy. My most recent fry were born in tank 2. Lighter grew up to be a boy, but darker has the apparent swim bladder deficiency, so I moved her to tank 1 to be with others like her and so she could use the ledges and stuff. She,s my tiniest girl by far, even smaller than most boys, I think, Twiggy went to the big tank long before shw was born. Basically, these guys have a flatter tummy than normal and can look almost concave, or in Darker pony's case, here tail seems to actually bend up or back a little, but they always swim with their toses pointed up and if the stop moving, they sink. by the time that they are full grown, their tail fins actuallw curve upward. at the edges. i love to watch them, especially when I feed them, because they seem to be just as hungry as the others and pretty good at catching food and eating. If their condition puts them at a disadvantage, it's probably mostly that they have to try harder to go up and might use more energy swimming and be a little slower or more tired, and maybe grow less. But Tigget has done so well , she's one of the biggest in her tank and sometimes I don't recognize her unless she's resting in her favorite cave or I look closely at her upturned tail. boytwin seemed to be almost normal smetimes, too, but I think he's gone now, and he never got very big. :-( Sometimes I think about letting twiggy Rocket visit Darker pony and girltwin to see if I get more like them, but it might not be approved of to breed them, and the other day I was lokking at Pony's tiny tummy and couldn't imagine it big enough for fry. Twiggy Rocket has places he could rest, but usually he's just got his 2 orange tail points waving franticaly and his nose almost up to the top of the water begging and hunting like everybody else, only vertical instead of horizontal. :nod:

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