Fish Crazy
One of my blue danios was acting kind of tired or something one morning and later the same day it was acting fine, but the top half of its caudal fin was gone. As i was watching, the danio suddenly darted at a floatiing pea-sized mystery snail, yanked it's insides out, shook off the shell, and carried the insides around until it swallowed it. I was surprized because i didn't know they could eat stuff that big. Then i was thinking, wow if i want my mystery snails to grow up, I might need to put them all in with my girl guppis or something. Then i was wondering if maybe they only eat dead ones, because I had just noticed that a lot of my mystery snails were not moving and i had some empty shells and stuff. I think I used a medicine the inverts didn't like, but it seemed to kill off most of the mystery snails, while leaving most of the pond snails I did move some trumpet snails to a different tank because that's what ai have the fewest of. I had used the meds because my blue danios had come with fins that i wasn't sure were damaged, but then some of my gups started dying and showing clear signs of fin rot, so either way, I blame the blue danios.
Do they normally eat snails? Is there a reason why they might attack a free floating mystery snail if i hardly ever see them eat anything else? Should i remove all the snails I care even a little about before adding more danios and coolies and tetras and hatchets and farlowelas and cories and upside down cats and frogs? i guess I won't be adding them all at once, but my guppy population is down enough to add something. I wouldn't mind at all if they just ate pond snails. I even expected to loose mystry snails, but not all of them, and I thought that one was getting big for anything in that tank to eat it. My leopard danio was the biggest and i found him wrapped around the filter recently too.
I do have one small cory that came about the same time as the blue danios. maybe he's eating snails too.
Do they normally eat snails? Is there a reason why they might attack a free floating mystery snail if i hardly ever see them eat anything else? Should i remove all the snails I care even a little about before adding more danios and coolies and tetras and hatchets and farlowelas and cories and upside down cats and frogs? i guess I won't be adding them all at once, but my guppy population is down enough to add something. I wouldn't mind at all if they just ate pond snails. I even expected to loose mystry snails, but not all of them, and I thought that one was getting big for anything in that tank to eat it. My leopard danio was the biggest and i found him wrapped around the filter recently too.
I do have one small cory that came about the same time as the blue danios. maybe he's eating snails too.