Are corys shoaling fish????


Apr 20, 2003
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St.Louis, MO
In a 10 gallon. Can i just get 3 corys and 2 snails and will it be ok. Also what other fish should i get for my 10 gallon? How about 5 of those tiger barbs? Or will it be overcrowded?
have never kept cories. 10 gallon would be too small just for the cories when they are adults. are best kept in groups of 5 to make them feel comfortable. would say that they would get along fine with the snails. barbs are nippy fish and much more dominant than the cories which are on the shy side. may make the cories hide which would not be a great contribution to the tank.

semper fi
Thats weird another person said they would get along in a 10 gallon with 3 corys and a lot of other small fish. Thanks I thought corys were small catfish.
I recon you should get at least 3 of them. Also when i had corys, i had 2 albinos and 2 specked. One speckled died and the one which was alive was ( i though) lonely even though he used to hang out with the 2 albinos.
Cory cats may do best in groups of 5 or more, but I think three of one variety would be fine in a ten gallon. Shyness seems to vary by species, as my peppered corys are not at all shy, with me or with other fish, and my bronze corys are quite skittish. They also don't grow to full size all that quickly, and they stay at the bottom of the tank, so if you have a good filter and do regular water changes, it probably wouldn't hurt to have some hardy mid to upper level fish -- a small school of a peaceful species that doesn't get terribly large.

Some possibilities include a variety of smaller tetras such as head and tail light tetras, black neons, black phantoms, serpaes, or a peaceful barb like the cherry (keep in pairs with lots of plants), or the harlequin raspbora.

Alternatively, you could go for one or two more striking fish -- such as one betta, one Paradise Fish, or a couple of dwarf gourami. The choice is yours, just keep the tank clean and stay away from fish that get big! :lol:
A nice group of pygmi/dwarf Corydoras will look great and they swim in mid-water as well as bottom. Also Panda Corys dont grow as big as other Corys so 4 or 5 seems fine.


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