Are convicts suitable feeders?


Fish Crazy
Feb 14, 2005
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I was talking to someone that uses cons as feeders but he has a huge cichlid he's feeding them to. Are my guys too wimpy to eat cons?

I'm always looking for new food sources. I've got mollies, platies, and guppies but I'm thinking even with that and my worm colony the marbleds may eat me out of house and home lol. I can always buy frozen filets at the grocery but kind of want to stay self sustaining as possible. While I'm asking about food what kind of filets would be the best for them?
Why would you use convicts as feeders???? Who gave you that brilliant idea. What fish are you trying to feed them to? There are plenty of other so-called feeder fish that you can use. Are you sure your oddball needs feeders?
convicts are often used as feeders as they breed like mad, would be tempted to say even more than livebeares as the young grow on extremy fast.

your bichir would eat them i'm not familar with the goby though.
Convict fry make great feeders for all predatory fish and especially those which are sedentry bottom dwellers like your marble gobies which may ignore surface dwelling livebearers. I dont support the use of feeders unless absolutely nessasary but when i do have to use them convict Cichlids are my choice of feeder.
Simply stated yes convict fry are great feeders A quality pellet food is better,but if you want to use feeders thems the ones to use-Anne
Agreed , they make great feeders , as do most other tank raised fry :) .

Provided you have it in you to feed them up :/ , some of us don't .
I haven't got the gobies to hone in on anything that doesn't move. I have some feeder guppies they didn't eat yet and I give them flake. When they catch a flake when it's moving they'll spit it back out. They'll eat bloodworms since I added a hob and they look like they're moving. The bichirs will eat anything but since I have them all housed together temporarily the bichirs still prefer worms (waiting until wal-mart has landscape timbers to build an 8x2x2 for the gobies).

I was worried about the gobies when I first got them because I got feeders and put them in with them and they didn't eat for about two weeks no matter what I put in (I even tried bouncing shrimp pellets close to them but they lost interest when they stopped moving and if they did catch them spit them back out). Then I woke up one morning and seven feeders out of ten were gone.

I originally got these guys to take care of the overpopulation in my pond but read goldfish are only treats and shouldn't be fed regularly.

Anyhow what pellets are the best? I'm sure eventually I'll coax the lil monsters to eat pellets...until then I may be looking for a pair of cons.

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