Are Cherry Shrimp Like Guppies?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 25, 2006
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I am planning on having 6 Cherry shrimp in my 29 gallon aquarium. But, I read that these little guys reproduce rapidly. I know their small, but gupply-sized broods will overrun my tank. Thoughts?
I am planning on having 6 Cherry shrimp in my 29 gallon aquarium. But, I read that these little guys reproduce rapidly. I know their small, but gupply-sized broods will overrun my tank. Thoughts?
It honestly shouldn't be a problem. First off, the likelyhood of that many offrpring living to adulthood is pretty slim. Secondly if there are any fish in the tank they are most likely going to find the young ones pretty tasty.

Cherry shrimp are fairly small, so if you plan on seeing your little guys at any point i would suggest adding more. We have 5 Amanos (which are larger) in our 30 gallon and they can be quite hard to find.
Other difference is cherry shrimp, if you can get them to reproduce, will be worth good money. At $6 or so for an adult shrimp (more for a pregnant female) you might have a profitable little farm going eventually.

But yeah, your tank should be able to handle dozens. Shrimp dont really add to the biological load of a tank.
As far as overrunning your tank, I had several hundred in a heavily planted 10 gallon tank. I've moved out (sold) most of the mid-sized shrimp, still have a couple dozen mature females carrying eggs, and an unknown number of tiny baby shrimp. Filtration is an air-driven sponge filter. The tank also houses loads of MTS and ramshorn snails, as well as 4 dwarf crayfish. If the shrimp become too crowded, they'll stop reproducing. So far, that hasn't happened yet.

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