Are Cat Fish Aggressive


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Mar 25, 2011
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i dont know anything about them but i thought it would be a nice addition to my new 55 gal so what would be a good cat fish if any to add to a tank of mostly guppies oh and instead of making a new thread if any one knows if bala sharks can go in with guppies also
its a difficult one to answer that as there are hundreds of different types

Most plecs are territorial but I wouldn;t class as aggressive

If you are keeping guppies in this tank then why not get a group of corydoras? they are lovely fish and maybe one of the smaller plecs in there like a clown plec

Bala sharks grow very big and require a lot of space expecially as they require keeping in a group. I;m not 100% sure ifthey would eat guppies but I wouldn;t bet against it once they are larger sized. I;ve seen 9 inch balas in display tanks
ok well thank you and how big do corydoras get and how much do they run
again theres lots of different shapes and sizes and prices but average ones you see in shop about £3 each andgrow to about 1.5 - 2 inches
Some catfish are agressive and some are not. I would NOT put bala sharks with guppys balas ave semi agrssive and very very nippy not a good idea. And with corys, there are tons of different kinds some stay little like pigmy corys and some get huge and fat, find out what one u like and look into that kind, I think u would enjoy corys! I hope this helped good luck!
Corys are non agressive and schooling, the adult ranges are about 3 cm to 12-15 cm. Keep single species groups of 6+ on sand.

Smaller plecos are not aggressive when on their own. An average 55 gallon will take 1m 2f bristlenoses or a single specimen of any pleco up to 6" in length. Plecos will fight between each other, which is why it is very important to not have more than one male and not more than 3 in total.

Stop thinking about bala sharks until you have a 6ft tank, the sheer size of the tank they must have should be a good enough indication that they are not compatible with small fish like guppies.

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