Are Bubbles Bad In The Tank?


New Member
Dec 14, 2006
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I recently raised the temp (to 85 f) in my fish/reef tank for various reasons (partly to help kill ich). I know that warm water holds less oxygen that cold water so I needed to make some adjustments. I have four powerheads and two Emperor 400's and a skimmer (total of about 2200 gph). The water agitation was decent, but pointed two of the powerheads up to get a better gas exchange. The powerheads I have have optional air intake valves that I know (if used) could raise the surface agitation and therefor the gas exchange. I have heard that the air bubbles are bad for fish in salt (good for fresh) but others have said that it doesn't matter... Aside from being unsightly and hard to see inside the tank is it bad? I wouldn't mind asthetic changes for a short time if it means better gas exchange whilst the temp is up...but I certainly don't want to make the situation worse for the fish.

What are your thoughts, ya'll???
The fish couldn't care less whether or not there was air bubbles, bot the bubbles could get stuck in the tissues of soft bodied animals. :crazy:

Ya, I figured as much...but I knew a guy a while ago (I don't know where he is now) at a LFS and he wanted so badly to not let bubbles in that it was really a passion...kinda eerie.


Any more thoughts?
I heard you can't keep bubbles in a tank because deadly gasses become trapped in the bubble and then if an invert or a fish pops it, its going to release the gases in the tank. -_-
Ski told me something along the lines of the majority of fish are ok with them, but corals wont tolerate them.
Lots of micro bubbles can irritate the gills of some fish and some corals will retract there polops co can't feed very well witch would leed them to starve. But mostley it because it dosen't look good.
Agree with Matthew on the fish, most are OK with it, but some corals and other soft tissued animals can get embolisms and die from it :(

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