Are Bristlenoses the only ones with "knobs"


Fish Addict
Sep 5, 2004
Reaction score
Rockford, Illinois
I'm not sure if my plec is a bristlenose or not. I rarely see it (if I'm lucky, I'll catch a glimpse when I turn on the light in the morning) i can go weeks with never seeing it at all. It prefers to spend most of it's time in a large cave, but has started using another if in a bind.

It has a few bristle-like things coming off of it's nose (if it is a bristlenose, I'd assume it was female), but they are only ----- not ----< like I see in many pics (I really hope you understood that :blink: ) Many bristles I've seen seem to branch a bit at the top. Since I don't see it very often, I'm not sure if it has spots.

So if only bristlenoses have "knobs or spikes" then that's what I've got...if not, I've got some digging to do!
Yes, as far as I'm aware, only bristlenose catfish have bristles, but there are many many species of bristlenose, each with different shape & size of tentacle.

In most species the female have less or even no bristles and in some species neither gender have them!

Of course nealy all catfish have whiskers and/or barbels-not to be confused with the bristlenose's tentacles.
Thank you! That clear it up. This plec was a gift from my mom a year and a half ago; she had no idea what it was, and I just assumed it was a bristlenose. Glad to know that it's not going to get huge....I think it's almost full grown right now, too.

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