are baby africans mean as well?


Michelle's Hot
May 3, 2004
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i wanted 2 get a baby cichlid. they were really small, and i know that they are mean, i believe one was a Aulonocara sp. and the other was one of these 2 Pseudotropheus zebra, or a Lamprologus tretacephaleus. i think it was the Lamprologus tretacephaleus though. they would be in my 15, the one w/the guppies, would those be all right for the time being untill i got a larger tank in November?
My cichlids are in a ten right now currently setting up a 90gallon for them, but by november they should be about two inches and i definately would not keep them in with guppies ever

The tank although pushing it will be fine escept maybe the guppies i dunno about them
ok thanks, i ddont even know if the guppies will be alive in november, so i guess ill wait till they go, or maybe get NW ones instead,, theyre rnt as colorful though
stay mbuna there much cooler

hmm, where is cichlidaddict has no :unsure: t posted in five or so days, and exiled
wrs said:
ok thanks, i ddont even know if the guppies will be alive in november, so i guess ill wait till they go, or maybe get NW ones instead,, theyre rnt as colorful though
you'd have to get rid of the other fish to do this.
and even then they may still attack each other, make sure if you go ahead, to have loads of rocks and caves for the yellow lab to hide in.
my guppies diede i believe, it was stuck onthe filter this morning, and so did a mollie i just got.
lol, they do seem kinda mean, but if they get 2 mean i can always give them back, or give them 2 this resturant that has a cichlid tank.
why not just wait if you plan on getting a mbuna tank eventually it should be at least 30 gallons, and as your fish will probally be about two inches then, it'll cost more and be harder to find the ones you want of this size
i think im gettng my brother a 55g or 2 30's for his b-day. but he wants cichlids so ill get some 2,. so yes im getting a mbuna aquarium soon. i dont get the last pasart?
He is saying that, to buy the fish at the size you want later on...(bigger) will cost you more, so keep these ones, grow them and save yourself the cost of giving these ones up and having to buy new ones. I think.
Okay sorry bigger fish cost more, little one inch fry at petland cost $9 each, 2 -2.5 inch your looking at $15 or $16 each and that adds up if your looking for 12 fish so it's better to wait and buy all cheap cheap little fry the same size

it's best not to put one inch fry in with two in fry

EDIT-> you said november they should be about 2inches then if you buy little ones now, you can't have all 12 fish in your fifteen gallon, to grow out together
but i dont want 12, lol, just 1 or 2
Two is a bad number they are pretty social fish in a 30 gallon you'd prabbally want six, 12 in a 55, one might work but he'd be much more active with others
oph, i think i get it now, i though u ment get 12 now, lol. sorry im a little slow when reading posts

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