Are Axolotls Interesting To Keep?


stuck between a rock and a fish tank
Fish of the Month 🌟
May 4, 2004
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I just wonder as my LFS has some beautys in, often thought about these and read about them but when I think of dedicating a tank to them I just wonder how interesting they actuallu are?
How long is a piece of string? some people find snails extremely interesting, others see them as a pest, each to their own.
How long is a piece of string? some people find snails extremely interesting, others see them as a pest, each to their own.

fair comment but maybe not the kind I was looking for lol I'll rephrase the question are they active, display a good character or do they remain still and inactive.

I have 6 fish tanks with fish in like oddballs and catfish but thought that a tank with toadfish in was boring due to lack of activity or movement despite how attractive the fish was
They are fairly active, similar to a betta they like to rest quite a lot and have bursts of effort although it is also down to personality. I would get one and try it you can always take it back if its not active enough for you.

edit: As you are such an oddball lover perhaps an olm (Proteus anguinus) would be suitable, I would give a hand to keep one of these they have to be the coolest and most extreme salamander.
I really like axolotls but I would never keep one tbh as personally i don't find them active enough,
and in the same sort of setup, (tanksize/filter etc) you could accommodate a couple of musk turtles which I find much more active and personable
They are fairly active, similar to a betta they like to rest quite a lot and have bursts of effort although it is also down to personality. I would get one and try it you can always take it back if its not active enough for you.

edit: As you are such an oddball lover perhaps an olm (Proteus anguinus) would be suitable, I would give a hand to keep one of these they have to be the coolest and most extreme salamander.

they are pretty cool those, remember watching a programme bout those that Nick whatever his name is weird creatures in a vcave in Romania or Slovakia I think
I've shelved that plan anyway cos my mate is selling a ROYAL python, I have always wanted to keep a snake and bar any serious opposition from mrs I shall be getting him!!! :rolleyes:
I've shelved that plan anyway cos my mate is selling a ROYAL python, I have always wanted to keep a snake and bar any serious opposition from mrs I shall be getting him!!! :rolleyes:

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