Are Any Of These Aggressive?

Dana C

Fish Crazy
Nov 7, 2005
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I will be getting some new fish soon to replace the ones I lost due to whitespot and I was just wondering if anybody knew if these fish were known for fin nipping,

I like the look of Diamond, Rosy, Gold, Colombian and black neon tetras.

I have looked them up on the internet but every site seems to disagree with each other.
If none of these fish are ok can anybody recommend a tetra which is friendly and won't attack any of my fish.

Thanks in advance for any comments
It depends what you are keeping them with and how big your tank is. All Characins can nip, and being front toothed, a nip from a tetra can do more damage then a long chew by a barb for example.

All of these fish are shoaling types. You will want a group of at least 6 to be sure they are not overly stressed. In smaller groups, ANY normally shoaling fish can show atypical behaviour which can vary from hiding in corners, to in-your-face aggression.

Of the common names you mention, "Gold" could be any of a number of species, so no help. Colombians are regarded semi aggressive, in my experience, they can be very aggressive. The others are pretty innocuous given the criteria above.
Thanks for your reply,

I had a look on the site I saw gold tetras and the other name was Rachoviscus Crassiceps, I hope this helps in knowing if the fish is nippy at all.
As Lateral Line said all characins can be nippy and I have had all the fish on your list and can say that both the diamond and rosy tetras will nip fins, I have had a shoal of columbian tetras for a while and all was well while there were 10 but I lost a couple after about 2 1/2 years and the rest of the shoal seemed to go into self destruct mode. I am now left with one because they have caused do much damage to each other and being front toothed they didnt just bite fins they also bit the body as well and these fish can do damage if they are inclined to. They never touched anything else just each other :( .
Thanks for your replys,

I still can't find much about the gold tetras so I think I will leave them for now, I like the idea of black neons as they should stand out from the neons and glowlights I already have.
Thanks for your replys,

I still can't find much about the gold tetras so I think I will leave them for now, I like the idea of black neons as they should stand out from the neons and glowlights I already have.

Hi, Dani,
good choice.
I've recently had to yank my golds out of the tetra tank - I couldn't believe it was they who'd bitten - and ultimately killed - one of my black neons, who have always been, by the way, a nice, peaceable fish as well as being attractive.
He had actual deep toothmarks in his side which were healing, but then I woke up to find a big chunk gone from the area - and I saw one of the little Gold's dart in and tear at the wound.
I'd noticed that the pygmy cats and Amano type shrimp were staying in one area of the tank, that the neons were keeping low and that a big chunk was missing from ones' tail but I simply couldn't believe these elegant inch and a half-long fish were responsible - now everyone's beginning to cautiously venture out again.
The sneaky little devils mostly seemed to be careful to behave whenever 'Mum' was watching...
The golds, living currently in an (unheated, darn it) plastic storeage container with a couple of big handfuls of Diandra until a new home separate from all other fish can be arranged, are living in a reign of terror imposed by what I've named 'psychofish', the one refusing to let the others eat or move out of their corners - except when I try to isolate psychofish, when they mill about together, looking unidentifiable.
As I don't drink pop, I'll have to get a plastic 2-litre bottle for a fish trap in order to (I hope) get the right fish out.
They are very beautiful fish, and I doubt they're usually this violent, but I'll certainly never get any more; if psychofish moves behind a sort of partition left in from a capture attempt, behind which the others sometimes hide, one fish is bullying another the instant it moves - at which point psychofish comes back.
Yet I found no information on temperment anywhere in all the Googling done.
This shows how important forums like this are, where people's experiences can be shared...
And black neons certainly do look very good as contrast to neons.

Just noticed I've been excavating :blush:

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