Are Amano Shrimp Good With ....


Scorched Earth
Jan 11, 2006
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Thinking about getting some amanos, just wondering if they would be good with 2 Red rainbows and two 2inch marbled angels.

Also, would they be ok in a tank with cory and oto fry?

Not with mature Red Rainbows no. And though some people say they keep them with Angels, this can usually only be done in a heavily planted tank. They would almost certainly chased, hounded and picked on when give the chance. The Amano's will hide and fear for their lives.
Thanks Bloo.

The red rainbows aren't fully grown yet, but there is no point if they will eventually kill them. Do you know if the shrimp would be ok in our fry tank with oto and panda cory fry? We have a major algae problem there, even with the baby oto's doing their best :lol: . Plus I've taken the 3 biggest babies out and put them in the community tank with their parents, which they absolutely love. I've never seen such active otos before!!!
Carmen :D
It really depends how small they fry are. If they are flake size and could be mistaken for food, the shrimp may well try to go for them. Personally I wouldn't risk it. They are very opportunistic scavengers.

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