Are All These Fish Boraras Merah?


Sep 17, 2006
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Pittsburgh, PA
This week, I got a shipment from Frank's Aquarium of "Phoenix Rasbora." They should look like this


Of course, none of them look anywhere near that red (They're still immature, possibly stressed, and don't have the benefit of a PH of 5.5 or good photography). I was prepared for that, but what I wasn't prepared for is, for all intents, it appears I have two Boraras species.

11 of the fish don't look like any Boraras Merah I've seen online. They look more like a small, deep-bodied Pygmy Rasbora than anything (though I also got pygmies, and they clearly aren't that). Here's a picture of a few with a Neon Tetra in the foreground that's fairly clear.


Now, I'd just assume I had a weird subspecies if it wasn't for the 12th. He's more colorful, slimmer, and while not bright red like Frank's picture, still looks to clearly be a typical Boraras Merah. What's more, he doesn't generally school with the other Boraras.



Is this something I should talk to Frank about?
the fish in the pic with the neon looks to be Boraras maculatus
the other one is a Boraras merah but he has yet to sexualy mature
They do look closer to my Boraras Maculatus, but they're not identical

Here is a good photo of one of my Maculatus in my 5.5 nano planted tank


Here is one of the "mystery Boraras"


As you can see, the black spots match up perfectly. Some of the Boraras even have some deeper red coloration on the fins in the same pattern. But the body shape is very different. My Maculatus are long and skinny, but the "mystery Boraras" is shorter and kind of squat. In my experience, just about all fish have their bodies deepen, not narrow, as they get older. So I'm really not sure what I have here.

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