Are airstones necessary?


Fish Herder
Sep 21, 2004
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I have an airstone running and one person here recommended I turn it off because of how it would affect the plants I have next to it.

I read what he had said, thought about it, and understand what he means, but I always thought airstones were a necessity. :unsure:

Now I'm not so sure, and I would like to know if it is necessary to run airstones.

I dont use a air pump or nowt :D, on my new tank i have diffuser (or what ever its called) running on the fluval 2... but in my 20g both my filters are in there running, no oxgyen supply from things like air stones etc :). And all the fish are fine, even though people say stuff like plecs like well oxygenated tanks etc :D.
I guess tomorrow when the Pegiun 170 I have coming arrives I will through it as a second on the 55G and shut off the airstone.

The fish like the bubbles too much so I'm not going to take it away without replacing it with more current. They might get mad at me if I do. :lol: :rolleyes:
airstones are mostly for aesthetic value, if you have a filter that provides good aeration.

the reason you were told it is bad for the plants is because plants need carbon dioxide to grow well. the surface agitation provided by the airstones removes CO2 rfom the water to be replaced by oxygen.

however i cant really comment on how much of a difference one airstone would make to the plants. depends how big it is i guess. :)
It's a 10". When I add the Pengiun 170 tomorrow I will pull it. Will make the tank look cleaner without the hose anyways. ;)
Well, I pulled it, but put a small one back. My fish didn't seem good and didn't like not having it. :( So, I grabbed a "UGF" one my dad had brought over from when he used to do tanks and stuck it in on a low flow.

Everybody seems happier now. I'm going to try tapering it off in hopes of removing it completely eventually. :)
Hi ddreams :)

Oxygen enters the water by being absorbed at the surface. As long as you have some movement there it should pick up enough oxygen to keep most fish healthy. The bubbles from an airstone look nice, but aside from agitating the surface, do little more to add oxygen.

Well oxygenated water is essential, not just because the fish breathe it, but because harmful bacteria reproduce more quickly in slow moving waters that have low oxygen levels.

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