are 2 species sold as red-fin sharks?


Fish Crazy
Oct 19, 2004
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I was looking up information on my red fin shark, when i noticed that one page said that Epalzeorhynchos munense and Epalzeorhynchos frenatus are both sold as red fin sharks and that they are in fact two different species. Is that true? If it is i hope i have whichever one gets larger.
Whats a rainbow shark? I thought it was just another name for the red fin shark.
well that still doesn't separate the two different species Epalzeorhynchos munense and Epalzeorhynchos frenatus from each other.
k2snowboards88 said:
I was looking up information on my red fin shark, when i noticed that one page said that Epalzeorhynchos munense and Epalzeorhynchos frenatus are both sold as red fin sharks and that they are in fact two different species. Is that true? If it is i hope i have whichever one gets larger.
This page seems to offer a fairly definitive answer:

Epalzeorhynchos frenatus is the rainbow shark or red finned shark.
Epalzeorhynchos munense is a different species, but is also sold as the rainbow shark.
E. munense only reach ~5 inches, compared to ~6 inches with the more common frenatus. Location of the dorsal fin is apparently the major physical difference between the species.

Epalzeorhynchos bicolor is the red tailed shark and is treated as a different fish by the hobby.
Sorry if I made that more confusing :S :look: I was just posting species that are often should as each other, should have clarified a little better :*)
There are many instances of a "known aquarium fish" actually being any of several species. As long as they look enough alike, they get sold with the same common name.

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