Are 2 angles ok?


Fish Crazy
Jun 1, 2004
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I'm trying to find out if It is safe to put another little angle in my tank. I've got one that is 1" in length and height, not inc it's fins etc.
I was told they may fight. Is fighting between two males, two females or can it be within a pair?? I thought my angle looked unhappy on his own. SO that's why I wanted to get another one.
I only got smart answers in the other areas, so if anyone can give me actual serious advice, or experience, it really would be appreciated.
Thankyou in advance.
As youngsters they will probably enjoy other angels company, however when they become larger (perhaps 4 inches or more), they tend to be annoyed of other angels company. If you happen to get 2 males or 2 females, this may happen. If you get a male and a female, it would probably go smoothly. However I have 4 large adult angels, and they are all different genders so I wouldn't worry too much about anything altogether as angels are not really that destructive. :)
thankyou. I'm going to buy another angel now.
You could get 6 angels and let them pair off. That way you could keep one pair. This pair would not fight and you would also be well on your way to breeding them if you plan on doing that at some point.

The downside is taht when they do breed they attack other tank inhabitants. It'll take them a while to get to that stage of development, though, seeing as how they're still young.
I've heard from 2 lfs that a pair of Angels will probably pair up, irrespective of gender. I wasn't sure about this to be honest, but took their word for it. I have a couple, too young to sex, so will have to wait and see.
If all those fish are in the same tank dont get another angel your tank cant support it. You are way overstocked and shold consider loosing fish instead of getting more. If they are not all in the same tank then sorry i miss understood what was going on.
they are in the same tank.
i keep it very clean tho. i am gradually getting rid of my goldfish. i am going to put the platties in a breeder tank also.
I wouldnt recomend angels at all with that list of tankmates, tiger barbs and sucking loaches are possibly the worst tankmates possible for angelfish!!

Tigers are well known for their fin nipping and will destroy the long delicate finnage of a angelfish and sucking loaches develop the habbit of sucking on the side of flat sided fish like angels and discus and removing their protective slime coating.
I have 3 angels, 2 males and 1 female I had to separate them because they've been flaring and fighting with each other for the last 4 months, i'm annoyed but moved 1 of the males out of the tank and left the pair together...feal sorry for the guy that's alone now :/

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