Arcadia Overtank Luminaire


New Member
Aug 14, 2006
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well i was thinking of upgradeing my lighting on my tank and i have not got that much money to spend
but have been looking at the Arcadia Overtank Luminaire 3x38w t8 120cm and im just wondering if anyone else owns the same lighting system?
can you change the tubes so i could have two white and 1 blue anctic? thanks for any info you can give :good:
well i was thinking of upgradeing my lighting on my tank and i have not got that much money to spend
but have been looking at the Arcadia Overtank Luminaire 3x38w t8 120cm and im just wondering if anyone else owns the same lighting system?
can you change the tubes so i could have two white and 1 blue anctic? thanks for any info you can give :good:

I have exactly the same set up - you can change the tubes like that and I did so myself. You can get 'marine white' tubes as well as actinic to fit.

Looks great and does the job fine, though I wouldn't imagine SPS or LPS corals would thrive - my soft corals are doing fine though!

Click picture for full size version

looks great thanks for the info 3 tubes as got to be better than just the one in the hood of my tank lol :good:
With T8s u wld stuggle to keep LPS they need T5 minimum. Although softies do great under T8s as they are filter feeders not light dependant corals.
However ive been recently reading the Fish and pet trading magazine and hagen have just invented T5 bulbs to fit into a T8 slot! Adn they arent T6 which was like the naf version of t5. But It might be a while before they come into the shops.

However That luminaire wld be fine for starting out reef. :good:
thanks for the info think im goin to save that extra bit more and get the 4x54w t5 120 cm :drool:

what sort of corals would i be able to keep with that light output?:good:
Just about any commercially available soft corals would be OK
We have a 3 x 2 x 2 75 gall reef that has 2 x luminaires each with 4 x 39 watt T5's and even anemones flourish

Steve :)
nice one steve :good: will check out some corals and get reading up.
Yer def do it be worth it. make sure u get the needed size for ur tank though. Ive got it and i know that i can keep LPS corals safely under the t5s so def worth the 200 quid i paid.

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