Arcadia Arc 60 Litre


Fish Fanatic
Jul 27, 2010
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I am thinking about down grading my marine tank, I always wanted a small nano aquarium (but not too small lol). The main aim of downgrading is that I i like the look of the small open top aquarium with a lamp on the top (bear this in mind when answering my questions lol). After much research I have come accross a Arcadia arc 60 litre tank. I beleive this comes with the eclipse 25watt pl light which is a T5 bulb right. So I should be able to swap the bulb for a half marine white and half marine blue bulb, will this be enough for my soft corals and some lps (torch coral)?

If not what else can I get that would still look as good?



Please note this tank will be placed in my living room and therefore have nothing above it to mount lights on.
I have the tank for a freshwater setup: it is quite nice, but really do need to use the coverglass to prevent evaporation. I also use the light over my marine tank (with the "hybrid" bulb: , if you buy the tank from the LFS, they may swap the bulb for you) which is the same depth as the tank. It works well for my zoas, candycane, xenia, duncan, but I don't know how it would do with yours.
Hi, not sure if I miss understood you, you do get a peice of glass to cover the top of the arcadia 60 litre?

When I said open top aquarium all I mean was I want an aquarium with no plastic lid - a clear glass lid is what i am after.
Hi, not sure if I miss understood you, you do get a peice of glass to cover the top of the arcadia 60 litre?

When I said open top aquarium all I mean was I want an aquarium with no plastic lid - a clear glass lid is what i am after.
The "cover glass" (which is made from perspex and is quite flexible) comes with the tank. Here's my description of the tank, the cover glass is in the photo:

I meant that I actually didn't use the cover glass to start off with because I wanted to grow some emersed plants (sticking out of the tank), but the rate or evaporation was too high to have the tank completely open.
So does anyone have any ideas as to whether the standard 24 watt pl light will be sufficient for soft corals and lps, any ideas on how to improve the lighting without messing up the look of the tank?
IMO, you should be ok for softies, though their color will be less intense.

is there enough gap between the light and the end of the tank to add a couple or arc pod lights or equivilant. On the aqua cube there is a 18w bulb and it is near enough the same size as the arc pod light. if i could squeeze one each side i could have 18w + 24w + 18w, would this be a goog lighting for me corals?

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