Arc 35L Tank


Fish Crazy
Jun 6, 2009
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hi all, ive got a spare 35litre arc tank.
i was thinking of setting it up as a small marine tank with just two percula clowns and live rock, and an anemone.

is this tank large enough for just 2 possibly 3 fish?
what kind of filtration would i need?
Posted Today, 01:34 PM
Nope this would be to small for a clown you might get away with some of the smaller Gobies or a Firefish max of 2 very small fish.

I would doubt very much a nem could be kept in this small a tank lighting would be a real issue also maintaning the levels would be hideous if you have the light required to keep a Nem.

But these tanks look very effective with a shrimp Goby Pair and a Threadfin Cardinal then some nice coloured Rics/Zoas and a couple of well chosen LPS.
Two into One Journal
oh ok
all i was trying to do was see if i could breed some clowns.
whats the minimum size id need for a pair and an anemone? do they need an anemone to breed?

No they don't need a nem at all. Personally I would say 100litre tank is the min size for a pair of common clowns. For any others you need much bigger.

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