Aquatic Gardens Bubble Bars & Air Pumps


Fish Fanatic
Jul 4, 2004
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I was at my LFS today and was a blue bar that when attached to an air pump pushes bubbles out of the bar and into the aquarium. The packaging said that the bubble bar produces oxygen bubbles to help the fish in the tank.

It looks like a cool neat "toy" but is it really needed? Will the fish be any happier or is this just a waste of $$$$.


Oh here are some images of that I saw at the store:

It does stir up the tank for better filtering. And stir up the surface of the water for more O2 to get into the tank. Also helps in the bio cycle. But not a must have in a tank. But if you got high PH or kinda overloaded bioload it can help out some. But by no means and I saying that just because you add one you can add lots more fish. Just stating it helps the tank.
It's fare to warn you that some fish really dont like bubble walls I had to remove the airstick from my tank because the silver dollars we very scared of it and refused to eat at all while it was in the tank (hiding in the plants in one corner all day). Then again a couple of my white skirts loved the current and played in it all day.

Another warning:

Such a bubbling thing drives out the CO2 of your fishtank. The consequence could be that there isn't enough CO2 for the plants and they get deficiency symptoms.
I do agree that they are not essential and I am sure some fish may be wary of them.

I do however have one but I do have a slightly lesser sized pump with mine so that the bubbles are not so fierce. I have guppies, mollies and platies, and they all seem to really enjoy swimming up and down in the bubbles. I also have 6 live plants in my tank and they all seem to be doing fine, I don't think the bubbles have affected them. :D

Edit: You ask are they a waste of money. I don't think so, but I like them :cool: it can only be your opinion :p
it really depends what kind of look you have in your tank

in some tanks bubble walls look out of place IMO (especially heavily planted tanks)
and as stated will cause some CO2 to be lost

but they can sometimes look pretty good

it's all a question of taste - some people think that small plastic castles look good

your fish may or may not like the bubbles - depending on what you have
and if you are overstocked it can help the oxygen levels

I used to have a bubble wall in my tank a few years ago, but decided it wasn't the look I wanted
Thanks All!!! For now I think I won't go that route with this 10gal tank. I got several plants in it and want to add more. Perhaps on my next tank I'll make it a fun bubbles and castle ruins them or pirates! :rofl:

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