Aquatic Frogs


New Member
Aug 20, 2008
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Not sure if anyone can help but would really appreciate any advice if you
can. My 10 year old son had been asking to keep aquatic frogs so as a
reward for efforts at school and for a massive clearout of his room I
bought a new aquarium with filter, light and heater included, after
research on the net bought correctly sized stones and plants and waited
for the pet shop delivery of African Dwarf Frogs. With material found on
the net we correctly identified them and my son excitedly added his new
pets to the aquarium along with 2 largish circular shelled snails for
algae control. We bought 2 frogs on Friday and on a return visit to the
pet shop the following day bought an additional frog and a small catfish
algae eater. All 3 frogs have remained at the top of the water with the
2 original purchases swimming underwater for very short bursts, straight
down and up again on very few occasions, the 3rd frog only stayed at the
top and yesterday we found him dead in the tank which was really
upsetting. I changed 2 thirds of the water as, having only had the frogs
for 4 days don't want to freak them out by catching them again to clean
the whole tank. We have been feeding with frozen blood worms as advised
but as this really pollutes the water have done several partial water
changes and have of course, treated all water for chlorine. Having found
PETCO's definition of healthy African Dwarf frogs I am really concerned
i.e: swims actively; eats vigorously; remains in the bottom half of the
aquarium; hides often; clear eyes and smooth skin. The first 3 points do
not apply at all, we have not seen them eat, they don't move much when
the bloodworms are put in and they definitely have not spent any time in
the bottom half of the aquarium. I would like to know if their behaviour
is likely to be due to the fact that it is a new environment and what I
can do to ensure that Leap and Crocus live a full and happy life, my son
is already attached to them and I would really like to make a success of
looking after them. Any advice you can offer will be gratefully accepted
as the pet shop is new to this and the people there know very little
about them, I printed sheets so that they could identify them!
I've raised these guys when I was a kid myself, though I didn't know too much about them at the time and fed them flakes, and they ended up dieing :(
But these guys should be eating a lot, and the ones I had hid a lot too, do you have any hiding spots, or is it just an open bottom, because they might just be hanging out at the top because there's nowhere else to go
also, another way you could get them down is to scare them with adding some fish... just something small like neon tetras, mollies or guppies, that could get them down, but could make them a little stressed, but that should only be at first, and that should get them used to living on the bottom.
I hope something I've said helps u out.
hmmm I have there adf's, and they've never hung out at the top. In fact the only time I really see them is when they're darting up and down for air. I'm not sure why yours aren't eating or are hanging out up at the top. Hiding places are defenately necessary. If you don't have any I would add a few. They like to hide. How warm is the water? mine prefer room tempurature water and I don't have a heater.
Maybe someone else with a little more expertise can help.

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