Aquatic frogs


Fish Fanatic
Oct 9, 2003
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Barnsley, S. Yorks UK
Saw some frogs for sale in my LFS labelled "Aquatic frogs". They were only an inch or so in size and appeared to have no way of sitting at the surface of the water. I assumed they would require a rock or something to help them to the surface to air. Does this mean that these frogs can cope without air? There were some floating at the top with their noses out of the water.

Has anyone had any experience of these creatures? They were pretty little things and I would like some but am concerned about the LFS knowledge of caring for this species.
these are most likely DWARF AFRICAN CLAWED frogs. they are fairly common in the fish trade. these guys live completely in the water and dont need to get out of the water. you can keep them with peaceful fish because they are peaceful creatures. they eat only live food such as blood worms and daphnia. they will eat frozen live food as well. hope this helps.
hey those little aquatic dwarf frogs are very cool to have. I had them in my community tank for several years. They'll eat just about anything, no they don't need anything to sit on at the surface and chances are they won't sit on anything you put in with them either. DO NOT I repear DO NOT put them in with larger tetras like the blach tetra(my mistake) or anything that has a mouth large enough to grab a foot. THe poor little guys are delicate and you must know that nippy fish can do a lot of damage. Oh and they like a warmer tank. DOes that help
If you're going to put some frogs in get african dwarf frogs and NOT african clawed frogs as they'll cause damage to other fish.

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