Aquatic Frogs


Fish Crazy
Mar 28, 2006
Reaction score
Liverpool, UK
ive been after some ADFs for a while now and ive noticed that they are often mislabeled. an lfs near me has "Golden Frogs" which i examined and i think are actually ACFs (had no front feet webbing), however, ive found another lfs which has "Japanese River Frogs", these have (edit) front feet webbing so i was hoping they were ADFs.

i did ask the guy in the lfs if the 'river frogs' were ok for a community aquarium, and he said no, but hey, what do lfs's know? :crazy:

could these frogs be 'river frogs' ? are there even any more species of aquatic frog other than ADF and ACF?

any frog experts around? :)

The only aquatic frogs available in trade are Xenopus (ACF), Hymenochirus & Pseudohymenochirus (ADF) and Pipa species.

I have to say the "Japanese river frogs" one has me laughing my socks off, there are Japanese Stream Toads but those are definitely not what they're talking about. All species of Pipidae (tongueless aquatic frogs) are from either Africa or South America.

Did you mean to say that the ones you have seen have no front limb webbing? or not? you will have to look through some pictures to be able to identify them but the amphibians in question are most likely ADFs or ACFs mislabelled as usual ;)
Japanese River Frog? LOL :shout:

Reminds me of the time I saw Tiger Oscars described as Texas Tigermouth.

Some LFS's will do anything to sell fish to morons who don't know any better.
ah ok thanks guys lol :)

to clear up, ive seen 2 different species in 2 different lfs

"Golden Frog" - small, golden, no webbing on front feet = ACF?
"Japanese River Frog" - small, 'froggy' colour, webbed front feet = ADF?

so you reckon the ones labeled japanese river frogs will be ADFs and good to go in a community tank then? :)
ADFs are fine in a community environment, as long as you hand feed them bloodworm. If you just put bloodworm in the fish will get to it first and the frogs wont get any.. :).
Alot of LFS dont have a clue about aquatic frogs do they i went in three different stores today, i asked for ADF and all i got was
"err...... -_- we have some brown ones......"
Argh how do these people make any money!!!!
Greg 8)
ohp.s i got two of the brown ones:p im sure there ADF (front foot webbing!)
Alot of LFS dont have a clue about aquatic frogs do they i went in three different stores today, i asked for ADF and all i got was
"err...... -_- we have some brown ones......"
Argh how do these people make any money!!!!
Greg 8)
ohp.s i got two of the brown ones:p im sure there ADF (front foot webbing!)

good stuff, gonna pick me up some 'brown ones' tomorrow :hey:

youre right about LFSs, i thought i had actually found a decent one aswell. i suppose they know their fish at least
Yeah is strange tho isnt it i mean if they buy them what do they ask for?? some brown frogs?
surley the breeders should tell the LFS what they are??
Yeah is strange tho isnt it i mean if they buy them what do they ask for?? some brown frogs?
surley the breeders should tell the LFS what they are??

yeah lol unless the breeders just make it up, "uhh yeah i have some japanese river frogs, very rare, wanna buy em??" :rolleyes:
While we're having a good pop at LFS's, I'd like to remind you that I've worked in one for nearly 7 years now... and I appear to have some knowledge on this subject -_-

Exception to the rule maybe, but generalisations are never good.
ok chill out, just talking from my own experience thats all, sure the LFS u work at is top notch, just saying.......... i mean brown one.....come on! :lol:
Greg 8)
actually come to think of it where do you work? im from manchester to wouldnt mind coming an havin a look at your store
While we're having a good pop at LFS's, I'd like to remind you that I've worked in one for nearly 7 years now... and I appear to have some knowledge on this subject -_-

Exception to the rule maybe, but generalisations are never good.

hehe yeah dont doubt your knowledge mate, no offense intended. as a rule its usually people like you who 'work for one' who make up decent LFSs while the owners make the bad ones.

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