Aquashella Chicago August 14 early bird tickets $10 off


Fish Addict
Jan 23, 2021
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Sorry I replied to the wrong thread- silly me!

Livestock/Equipment make-model-size/Wanted/Exchange/Plants: Aquashella 2021 August 14th early bird tickets (TWO)

Age and condition: N/A
Quantity for sale: One set of two tickets
Reason for Sale: Unable to attend
Delivery or Collection:
Sales price: $50
Willing to Ship (Yes or No): EMAIL directly upon payment
Postage & Packaging Price:
General Location (for personal security reasons do not put your address here, just your town): (Also please put this in the Topic Description line of the thread title)
Photograph: Cannot list photo of tickets as they are the tickets, lol

Sis and I are unable to attend the Aquashella Chicago event. Anyone interested in going I have two of the early bird tickets for Saturday August 14th for $50 instead of $60, Tickets will be emailed immediately upon payment by Paypal-friend option please.
Just curious.. what is this event like? Have u gone before?
I have not. I did go to the Aquatic Experience event in Chicagoland the last two years they had it here, that was very similar, so many vendors and suppliers and displays and even speakers. They also had lots of freebies in the form of goodie bags and samples. Many vendors of fish were willing to sell the display tanks for cheap (that's where I picked up the three 30 gallons and some 40 breeders. We picked them up on the last day.)
You can still find some YouTube videos to get a feel for it. That rack of fish tanks was bought by a local fish store in IL. I saw it the other day. I even volunteered for both of the Aquatic Experiences and that was a lot of fun as well.

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