
Which do you prefer (mainly for plastic plants, but it could apply to real plants)

  • A few varieties of plants with many quantity of each variety.

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  • Many varieties of plants with low quantities of each variety.

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Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2004
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I need to buy some more plants for my aquarium. I was looking on ebay because I can get some good prices off of there on new plastic plants. The only thing is that 9/10 times the plants in the auction are all different kinds.

I dont know what would look best, groups of similar plants or groups of plants that vary in type.
try silk plants.
you can buy them on ebay (takes some time to search tho...your search should just be "plants" in all categories and then look on the side of the page until you find pets/fish)

go to local craft or dept store and get silk plants in the crafting section.
If you do this,make sure there is no metal sticking out of the can coat the metal with aquarium sealer.

very realistic without the trouble live plants seem to cause so many :)
I find it looks much better, and more realistic, when there's a group of each species. Not necessarily loads an loads, but enough to haev a "patch" of that particular species. Having only one of loads of different species looks kinda jumbly. :/
I didn't know plastic plants had different species, or varieties :huh: I have some different live plants, and a lot of each. Get java fern if you aren't good with live plants, it's very hardy and fish don't like to eat it :rolleyes:
Well, I just got back from the store with a few new plants (plastic). I would like real plants but Im new to fishkeeping and don't want the extra hassel right now.

I did a little tank rearranging as well, but its cloudy right now because I stirred up so much gravel moving things here, then there and finally over that way. I will post a pic in the members aquarium forum and put a link to it here once the water clears up and I can take a decent pic.
i think another thing to keep in mind is what your fish want. i know some fish like large leaf plants they can hide in and some like smaller plants.
I like a wide variety of live plants.

For fake, I like the silk ones. Last time I bought fake, I was at a LFS and they had used ones for 50 cents each (silk).
The more plants, the better, however I find the plastic ones can get expensive when you by about 20 of them. About $2-$5 US each.
real plants are expensive too especially if you're a serious about planting and taking care of the plants. Plant foods and such add up to the cost as well.

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